Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum is for those who are participating in the Many Called Few Chosen program and for those who feel that they have been Called by God. This is the place to share thoughts with others who also feel called. Many have been Called by God to serve Him BUT few will be chosen. The reason is simple ... Few choose to answer the Call. Have you been CALLED? Join this forum and find out how you can better answer your calling.
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step 4

Postby Pert » Sun Oct 21, 2012 8:26 pm

This one's a doozy too! The scripture says (paraphrasing) that if you did not know something was a sin, you are not guilty of the sin. I understand that. I think of little children who may not know not to take that piece of candy from the store, or not to hit his sister, etc. I get that. But that the law is not applicable to all people at all times in all situations is a new concept to me. Looking back, I can see how some people have twisted this concept in an effort to justify something that would otherwise be considered wrong, and that makes me uncomfortable. I don't think that was the original meaning of this exception.

Also, after reading this, I don't think I'm going to choose to focus on this world's evil and vicious ways. This world is getting worse everyday, with no hope for the future. I get that. It's been repeated and repeated and it is the truth, after all. But if all I think about is how awful the world is, then that's going to make me think bad things, so instead I'm going to focus on good things. I have to do that for my own mental health. The end of today's reading is a little gloom and doom. While it is true that peer pressure will assault you on every end, I don't think we should lose sight of the fact that God said He will help us. He promised that He would provide us a way out, and if He doesn't He will give us the strength to make it through (paraphrasing), and shouldn't that provide us a little hope?
I may have wisdom, and knowledge on Earth
but if I speak wrong, then what is it worth?
See, what we now know is NOTHING compared
to the love that was shown when our lives were spared!
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