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I have been called

PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 12:36 am
by bteubner
Hi all, I know as a child God called me into ministry. I pursued that by going on mission trips as a teen,and then came to okc to major in ministry. Worked in a city mission and worked with children in 2 different churches. Have had 4 years of resting from ministry, but know that God keeps calling me to do things for him. Each time you would think I would learn my lesson and just go, um no. So here I am, I know what he has called me to do, and it scares me. How do I get past that. I know some of the steps to doing what he wants, but I say I will go and I keep sitting here standing still, maybe taking baby steps forward, and then bragging on myself before god sayin look where I am now, what I have done. when he is like, um you could have been here if you were just not procrastinating. I want to go, I hate standing still. how do I get through this. I don't want this to be just another pen and paper idea that god gave me, looking good on paper, but never impacting lives. I was created for more than that. Any mentoring in this would be great. thank you.

Re: I have been called

PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2011 9:51 am
by ServeGod
If its the will of God, i can only say "JUST DO IT".
Pray for courage
Pray for words and action
Do not be afraid of where he will take you, or who you will meet, or what you must do. The lord will equip you.
Think of Moses, it was Gods will and God pathed the way.

Re: I have been called

PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2011 4:05 pm
by bteubner
Thank you both. I am taking baby steps to fulfill this calling on my life, but each step is closer. I am very busy with my family and 3 jobs, and house work, though those are all great excuses if I focus on them I will miss this opportunity again to serve my awesome God, and I am not willing to do that. So I am getting closer! The other day I was working on this ministry to women and preparing the site, and I wanted some input from women in my own life. SO I text 30 women and asked them what there favorite go to verse was that helped them in times of stress, insucerities, and just in life. In moments of the text I recieved 20 verses, and days later they are still coming. God keeps me in awe. His promises are faithful, and he will provide.

Re: I have been called

PostPosted: Tue May 17, 2011 9:49 am
by bteubner
It has been almost 3-4 months since God really laid this ministry on my heart, and it is all most ready. As I am getting closer i am feeling the attack of spiritual war and I ask for prayer warriors to pray that I will be strong. Also, one of the pages on my site is a page of introducing Salvation and God's forgiving grace. I want this to be everything for God, I want his words and not just mine on paper. As it is drawing nearer, pray that I will stay strong. thank you.