Skating for Life

This forum is for those who are participating in the Many Called Few Chosen program and for those who feel that they have been Called by God. This is the place to share thoughts with others who also feel called. Many have been Called by God to serve Him BUT few will be chosen. The reason is simple ... Few choose to answer the Call. Have you been CALLED? Join this forum and find out how you can better answer your calling.
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Skating for Life

Postby josinella » Sun Oct 30, 2011 8:17 pm

When I was young, my Mom took me to the roller-skate rink as a weekend activity. I didn't know how to skate, nor did Mom sitck around to show me how. But, every weekend she took me to the rink to skate as if it was a life skill I somehow needed to learn. I met others sitting on the bench, who like me, wanted to learn how to skate. After a couple of weeks, I started conversations with kids from all experience levels curious as to why I came just to sit on the bench. Of course, several offered to teach me how to skate, but I just wasn't ready. I had a fear of falling and I didn't trust that they would keep me from falling and embarrassing myself. As weeks went by, more of the "bench-sitters" were learning how to skate and I felt kinda lonely sitting by myself.

One week, an older girl offered to take me out on the floor. I don't know what it was about her but I trusted her. Maybe because she didn't simply offer but extended her hand and pulled me up on my feet. She didn't really give me a chance to say, No! Out we went, she balanced me between her legs and guided me along the way. When I started to fall, she kept me up by supporting me under my arms. I started grasping the concept and started stepping on my own. I could tell she knew because my hold on her was less and she gradually started letting me go on my own. I got confident, but it was short lived because other kids were falling in front of me and didn't know how to change directions or stop. I met my first obstruction and down I started. But, before I hit the ground, like a proud eagle, my teacher swooped in and broke my fall.

I eventually learned to skate forward and backward, at the skating rink and on the sidewalk at home. I went skating with our church group last year after being off the rinks for decades and I still knew how to skate, although a little rusty. But the interesting thing about it, I was able to teach some of the kids in our church group how to skate. And you are probably wondering what the point of this story is. My faith development has been a lot like learning how to skate. I came to know God at a very young age. NO one told me how this was supposed to come about, I was a just a kid.

God comes to us in His time and He knows when we are ready, all we have to do is believe and follow Him, it is our choice. He never leaves us or forsakes us, He is always there. Just as my skate teacher, He will never give us more than we can bear, and will carry us when we are unable to walk on our own. He loves us and expects us to grow so that we can spread His Word and His love! Faith is life and as we develop in life, so does our faith. We are to live by His example, but we are not Him. We will stumble along the way, we are sinners and live in a sinful world. God is always there to break our fall. And when we go astray, for however long, He accepts us back with His arms wide open. Just let Him carry our weight (repent) and allow Him to guide the way (submit). We, the redeemed are saved by Grace. We are all One Body in Him, Christ Jesus, Amen!
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Re: Skating for Life

Postby Christnundrconstruxn » Mon Oct 31, 2011 11:50 am

Hi Sis!
I wanted to say BRAVO!!!!.......and.......AMEN!!!!
AWESOME analogy!!!!

God bless
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Re: Skating for Life

Postby josinella » Sat Nov 19, 2011 8:34 pm

Every once in a while, we fall down. Sometimes we are slow to get up. We sit in the middle of the rink trying to figure out how to get up or we wait for someone else to help us up. Sometimes, God will send one of His angels to give us a hand. Yet other times, that Still Quiet Voice will speak a mental path for us to follow. It is up to us, unfortunately, to discern and walk the path, or not. I feel that I have wasted a lot of time sitting on the rink floor, spending even less time in devotion to Him . On my next occasion on the floor, and there will be another one (mere sinner here), I will rise up a little quicker. When called upon, I will faithfully move in His direction. Today, I will spend less time being side-tracked by life.
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Re: Skating for Life

Postby mlg » Wed Nov 30, 2011 5:40 pm

Hi josinella, haven't heard from you in awhile, sure good to see you sharing here. It's good to step back from the toils of life...and just sit within the presence of Him. Enjoy it.

luv ya
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Re: Skating for Life

Postby josinella » Wed Nov 30, 2011 8:08 pm

HI Mlg:

I miss being here too! Not just being in His mist but helping out where I can by being His witness. I also witness on Facebook, although I don't get many posts, I know that someone, somewhere is being fed. I started a new job and I am quite busy with it, learning my new job functions. I want to check in more often and post as God leads me to do.

Until next time and, I love you too!
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Re: Skating for Life

Postby ByTheSword96 » Sat Dec 24, 2011 3:34 am

I love this analogy! And in many ways God is still with us even after we learn not to fall. We will always fall, but the Lord our God is with us and will not let us lose our way. You are such an amazing teacher and I bless you for sharing this. As I have said in my own journal, we are all called to be a child of God, and we vary from the way we are called and the things we are chosen to do. Let us then encourage others around us to pursue their calling and give it all unto the Lord. You know what the Lord has revealed to me? He wants you to give Him your everything, not just the parts your proud of, or not just the parts your ashamed of, and He will embrace you completely and you will know the calling the Lord has given you.
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