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first step of fourteen

PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2017 8:12 pm
by padutch
hi...i am brand new to this site...i have never been to chat rooms or any forums for that matter... came across this site while searching for places to get some kind of help...both spiritual and everyday life therapy...
i need to get my life back from this thing i have become over these past many years. hoping that this fourteen step program will help me find the way!!
i have been falling down a black hole for many years now, and i don't know where to turn any more. i have hurt a some wonderful people along the way with my insecurity, my lying, my hiding of emotions, my fear of failing, my cheating, my heart is big but my actions are trivial...i pray that i can find the peace and happiness i once had when my heart and soul were on the right path....god where did i go wrong....i've got no one to blame but myself for this person i have become, this person who i dislike so much...need to let the light shine back in....

Re: first step of fourteen

PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2017 10:30 pm
by mlg
Hi padutch,

Welcome to the Oasis!

The first step to getting your life back on track is to admit that you do have problems. Once you have identified the problems, you can chisel away at them one at a time. Don't try to eat the whole elephant in one bite. You must eat it one bite at a time.

I think one of the things you need to do is to first forgive yourself for the things you have done to hurt others and yourself. That is usually not easy, as we blame ourselves for the situations we have created in our life, and we often wish we had made different decisions. The truth is those decisions have been made, but you can begin anew. Jesus Christ offers a reset in our life. He gave His life so that we could be free from our past.

Keep walking through the steps padutch. You can do this.

Take care

Re: first step of fourteen

PostPosted: Sat May 13, 2017 10:50 am
by notforgotten

Re: first step of fourteen

PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2017 8:27 pm
by padutch
sincere thanks...i have been writing more and more in my journal before i move on to step 2. took me years to get here so there's no need to rush ahead without really reflecting on my past... i will take small steps to get there...once again, thank you for the chance..

Re: first step of fourteen

PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2017 10:19 pm
by mlg
Hi padutch,

With God leading your path through the steps, the timing for each step will be just the right time.

Glad you are still pursuing the healing you so deserve.

Take care