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MY Journal Step 11 on my Path

Postby Larry77 » Thu Jul 26, 2012 2:45 pm

So cool learning all about how to talk with Jesus and God through the Holy Spirit and how the Holy Spirit is with us always and we need to listen and include the Holy Spirit in our lives.

Note to self; Reread Step 11, real soon, I want to understand this good, is real important in my mind to get this.
Work on that To Do List and Review List, I feel this will help make this Path to Truth go a lot better for myself.

Hey there Ruth, just figured you might be reading this, I like the feeling I am not alone doing this also, I know the Holy Spirit is with me, but not quite on that level of understanding or faith yet to here him talk to me yet, but I know I will be some day soon. I appreciate your responses and input, I also wish I learn more about prayer and other things that I am learning about on this 14 Step Path to Truth. Not sure how to get this acrossed to the people in the church where I attend, but sure will give it a try after praying about it some.

Looking forward to learning more and here more from others, Yes Ruth like you.

Take Care and may God Bless
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Re: MY Journal Step 11 on my Path

Postby dema » Thu Jul 26, 2012 2:57 pm

Shame and blame are the devil's tools. With God ALL things are possible.
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Re: MY Journal Step 11 on my Path

Postby Ruthk34 » Thu Jul 26, 2012 8:35 pm

*hug* Yes it does take some time to hear Him speak to us. For me I would often think that maybe it was Him speaking to me then I would pause and ask myself "wait was that God talking to me or was that just me making it up in my imagination?' I would then pray about it and ask for a way to know if it was just me or really Him. It can be hard to tell at times, I have to clear my head and try to REALY listen to be sure and if I get a warm feeling or a feeling of peace and comfort then I know it is Him. :)
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