Who am I? {Day 3} 6/6/2012

My Oh my! This lesson definitely hit the nail on the head!
I believe subconsiously that I didn't want to understand my problems. I didn't want to endure any more pain or "evaluate my feelings." I just wanted my life to go back to normal and just be fixed. Kind of selfish, huh?
I've learned that I will never have all the answers to my Why Questions.
I just need to lose myself and find him!
<3 Rules for MY Garden: <3
1. FORGIVE Myself
2. Hear the TRUTH
3. Let GO & Let GOD
4. LIVE & Let LOVE

I believe subconsiously that I didn't want to understand my problems. I didn't want to endure any more pain or "evaluate my feelings." I just wanted my life to go back to normal and just be fixed. Kind of selfish, huh?

I've learned that I will never have all the answers to my Why Questions.
I just need to lose myself and find him!
<3 Rules for MY Garden: <3
1. FORGIVE Myself
2. Hear the TRUTH
3. Let GO & Let GOD
4. LIVE & Let LOVE