why no say hello

Hi all I joined this site or posted a profile about a month ago but was not sure what to do after that,so thought I would just start here and say hello,my name is dennis,and I,m a sinner saved by grace,washed in the Holy blood of the most wonderful gift of God the Father,his son Jesus,who because of him I am now made just,as if I never sinned.Declared to be a child of God..John 1.12,no longer a servant but a friend,and so much more that I am yet to discover.
I wish I could say,how easy it,s all been,but not so in my case as there has been so much to overcome,it takes time to come out of the wilderness,and Jesus has had to carry me more often then not.
But this I can testify to He keeps his word,he who has begun his work in you will continue that work.Some times I think, we think we are pursuing him,when in reality he is pursing us.I read a book ounce,the author escapes me,but he called Jesus the hound of heaven as ounce he gets on your trail he wont give you up...pretty cool this Jesus is,nt he.Well there I finally did it,I introduced myself,may the hound of heaven be close on your trail....signed dennis
I wish I could say,how easy it,s all been,but not so in my case as there has been so much to overcome,it takes time to come out of the wilderness,and Jesus has had to carry me more often then not.
But this I can testify to He keeps his word,he who has begun his work in you will continue that work.Some times I think, we think we are pursuing him,when in reality he is pursing us.I read a book ounce,the author escapes me,but he called Jesus the hound of heaven as ounce he gets on your trail he wont give you up...pretty cool this Jesus is,nt he.Well there I finally did it,I introduced myself,may the hound of heaven be close on your trail....signed dennis