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Postby dema » Wed May 01, 2013 9:02 am

There has been difficulty with people coming in and PMing others inappropriately. In particular, there is a troll who presents himself as both a man and a woman. He has two different identities at a time. The woman has an 11 or 12 year old son and she is a single mom and does not know how to handle his issues of maturing. The man is a single father and has a daughter. Or he is a janitor and cleans girl's restrooms and pretends to be ignorant.

If any person starts talking to you about issues like these, or any sort of feminine hygiene issues, please report them to phantomfaith. Just send a PM and tell him the handle of the person and that they were talking to you about issues that made you uncomfortable. Phantomfaith can review the record and make his own decisions as to whether this troll has returned.

If anybody makes you uncomfortable, please do the same. There will be an independent evaluation of what has been posted by the offending person. It will not necessarily result in them being banned. Generally, when a person is making you feel uncomfortable, your instincts are correct. So, please, alert the site administrator so he can keep this as a safe place.

Thank you.
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Re: Trolls

Postby Dora » Wed May 01, 2013 9:00 pm

As frustrating as this is don't let it stop you from trusting. One troll and 100s of genuine hurting souls seeking help.

God bless you all. *hug*
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