Christianity Oasis Forum

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Best Match-Maker................Ever! (another 1 by me, bp)

Postby blessedprincess » Tue Nov 10, 2009 5:30 pm

Best Match-Maker .Ever!

There she stood in the bank waiting patiently in line
When this guy said to her, it's destiny for you to be mine
Immediately they were the center of attention
As we were all anticipating this man's intention

She smiled and said oh really is that true
I hope you know what you are getting yourself into
He said I don't; but enquiring minds want to know
I am willing to go to any length, height or depth I have to go

She wrote down a number and a address
And said be there at 6, I'll be wearing a white dress
He was there, surprisingly he was right on time
She said I have someone I would like you to meet inside

She said I welcome you to my father's house
It is the first requirement for my potential spouse
As they proceeded to the front of the church
Her father was always her source in every search

I was fatherless and raised by a single mother
So my standards for my intended are higher than any other
It's hard to be deceived , when your father is the king
Simply because he knows, everything about everything

You see getting to my heart is not easy
Because you have to go through my father to get to me
If not approved then you are tossed like something old
Because to him I am more precious, more priceless than gold

He was like wow!, normally a woman would just want dinner
This move would definitely expose a loser from a winner
He smiled, and said boy I am glad to be a Christian man
And all this did not intimidate me, because it was all apart of God's plan

He lead me to your church, the song the choir sung made my day
Your voice made the angels blush and the demons run away
It was so powerful, he lifted it up above every other voice
And said to me that you are my bride of his choice
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Posts: 25
Location: British Virgin Islands
Marital Status: Divorced

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