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What do I do? Please pray for me.

Postby tayrbc » Mon Sep 12, 2011 11:03 am

We married young we always wanted to marrige from the get go we'd known each other for years. But I got pregnent and from then as you can imagine everything was rushed. My family tock me aside and said they'd support me what ever I decided. His however basically forced him down the isle. 12 years on he can no longer hide his unhappiness and doesnt know if he's ever been in love with me! and doesnt know if he can. I'm crushed, hurting like i've never know. Do not know what to do. Our life has been blessed don't know why this is happening to me, need God to show up and take the pain away and give me a clear head. I need help.
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Re: What do I do? Please pray for me.

Postby Mackenaw » Mon Sep 12, 2011 12:07 pm

Hello Tayrbc,

God bless you this day. Welcome to Christianity Oasis.

I'm sorry to hear that trials and tribulations are coming against your marriage. I am lifting you and your husband up to the Lord in prayer, in the name of Jesus. May God's blessed and perfect will be done.

Tayrbc, what you have shared about your marriage, is similar to many married couples' stories. We have a real enemy, Satan, and he wants to steal, kill and destroy all that is good. Furthermore, it is not unusual during such trials that one or the other of the married couple will say that they don't know if it was ever meant to be, that they don't know if they love the other, and so on. I know this does not take away the sting of hearing those words regarding your marriage, but, I just wanted to let you know, that sometimes during great trials, our perspective can be greatly impacted -- having us believe a lie whispered to us by the enemy of our souls.

As we grow older, we tend to incorporate lots of boring routines into our life -- lifeless routines, that can suck the very life out of us. Sad to say, but all too often marriage becomes one of those boring routines.

You mentioned that you married at a young age, and that you had known one another for years before the marriage -- which would have me believe that you were children when you met. While we do change a lot from childhood to adulthood and beyond, there is still a childlike essence/quality there in each one of us. It may be deeply hidden and covered over by all the garbage that comes at us throughout life, but, nonetheless, that childlike quality still exists in each one of us, and it is called hope.

The Lord God: God The Father, God The Son and God The Holy Spirit loves you and your husband. God wants a relationship with each of you individually, and as a married couple, because those that God has united in marriage are one in His eyes. Take this time to get to know The Lord.

God bless and keep you.
In Christ Jesus' love,
Sister Mack
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Re: What do I do? Please pray for me.

Postby tayrbc » Tue Sep 13, 2011 4:28 am

Thank you Sister Mack, sincerely thank you.

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Re: What do I do? Please pray for me.

Postby elle » Sun Oct 09, 2011 7:50 pm

Sister Mack's response is wonderful. How are things going? I don't have any advice, but I'll pray for you. I like what Sister Mack said about kind of not letting everything in marriage become a boring routine. God wants you and your husband to be happy. It's okay to have fun with your husband. Make sure he knows that you love him. Hug him, kiss him, smile at him . . . and keep praying. Hold his hand and pray. Maybe he's going through a little depression that has nothing to do with you, but you can help him. In sickness and in health! Pray to Jesus that you will discern what you can do for your husband. Take a walk with him. If he feels in a rut, change up something a little. God will help you two through this. Men and women are different, we all know that. Let him be himself. Listen to him. Keep the politeness there, too, lots of please and thank-you. You have been a faithful, loving wife, and the Lord will help you through this. Keep doing little, kind things for him. If you can get away together, do it, even if it's just for an evening. Go to a movie, hold hands, you know, like a date. Let him know he's your hero and that you appreciate and respect him. Make home a peaceful, warm haven. There's so much information out there in the coldness of the world that seems contrary to good old-fashioned "make your man happy" advice. Like, too many women not appreciating men. Well, a man is a great treasure. Make sure your husband knows that you feel this way. Don't let everyday routines take the romance out of your marriage. Before you turn out the light, read a scripture to him, something from the Gospels, something from Jesus. Maybe he needs some "spiritual food". And hug and kiss your husband every day!! And say, "I love you!" with enthusiasm.
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Re: What do I do? Please pray for me.

Postby Christnundrconstruxn » Mon Oct 10, 2011 9:43 am

Welcome to the Oasis
Praying for God to interceed and ease your pain and for His will to be done as He see's fit
May God bless you and your husband at this time of time
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