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PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 11:10 am
by em
I'm so confused and have asked the Lord for direction. I'm hoping someone here will be a vessel of Christ to speak to me. I have been chatting with a gentleman on Facebook for the last week and a half. It was a very random meeting. Anyway, he feels a very, very strong connection between us and wants to start a relationship. Here's the kicker.....he works for a high security agency called Aegis as a mechanical engineer. He's been on contract for 10 years which is over next month. Because this agency is so secure, he and the other staff work on a base ( PA) which houses them, clothes them, and feeds them, and not allowed to leave the base nor have visitors. We communicate only on Facebook as he is not allowed a phone without special permission. He wants to visit me ( I live in MA. ) when he leaves, he has a 9 y.o.daughter in England, with whom he will re-unite but does not want to stay there because his wife's death years ago is too painful for him to stay in England. I have a very close Christian friend whom I confide in and keeps me grounded. I look forward to our chats and I do feel something..... *help*

Re: confused

PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 11:36 am
by Christnundrconstruxn
first let me say welcome to Oasis *hug*

I don't wish to scare you but....A WEEK and A HALF???
THis is a man's point of view but I'm sure there will be some others to input on this.
Please consider the world today, don't make ANY decisions too quickly, God will let you know in time if it is right and meant to be but I worry it is too soon for you to take any chance with this man.
I fell for a deceiver but luckily God opened my eyes to see it, I was on a dating website and it got personal quick we were emailing to our personal emails (mine any way) but God raised the red flag and I saw it and stopped it before it got out of hand.
This may be the man of your dreams and I hope it is so you can be happy BUT a week and a half is NOT enough time to know PLEASE BE CAREFUL!
May God continue to bless and keep you

Re: confused

PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 12:38 pm
by lizzie
Hi em :)

Well you know the bible tells us to prove all things 1 Thessalonians 5:21

This person may very well be telling you the truth... or he may not. I cannot say either way as I just dont know. Now you have to weigh each side and determine if you have enough proof in a week and a half to determine this. What would you advise your daughter or friend or sister if they were in this situation?

Many people I know have met and started wonderful relationships online, some have shared their stories of love here also. It is possible. But you have a responsibility to God and to yourself, to make sure that you take your time to find out if this individual is who he is presenting himself to be. If this person truly cares for you, he will not rush you into anything and will allow the two of you the necessary time to get to know each other before any meeting takes place.

I too have encountered a lot of deception online from the simplest thing to the most elaborate of lies, and for people with open hearts it can be devastating.

I in no way want to discourage you from finding love... but as the others here who have posted show, we just wanna make sure that you are safe.

God bless you em and keep leaning on God for guidance.

Re: confused

PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 1:44 pm
by mlg
Hey em, welcome to the Oasis! I don't know how to say this but just to be very careful! I've seen some wonderful relationships that have come out of people who have met on the internet...and I've also seen some bad ones. But, for some reason I just feel something not so good when I read your story. I agree with lizzie...prove all things....this guy may be totally honest and legit...but make sure to check everything there seems to be a few missing pieces to the puzzle.

My prayers are with you. May God's will be done for you.

Take care and God Bless

Re: confused

PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 3:36 pm
by stillstanding
Em, love ya sis.

i gotta say this whole scenario, as i read your post, screamed NO! to me. not just a little in a cautionary manner but a big fat no. pray hard. and listen to the Spirit of God in you. weigh every detail of what the man has said. measure it against the word and measure it again. but in seriousness and out of love i gotta say it feels ...not right. in the very least perhaps you could tell him of your concerns and judge his reaction, if for nothing other than more information as to his integrity.

*Pray* *Pray* *Pray*

*JesusSign* *band*

Re: confused

PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 4:07 pm
by lizzie
em? how u doin?

hope you are doin well girl.

God bless

Re: confused

PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 8:24 am
by dema
sounds like a married predator to me.

Re: confused

PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 9:49 pm
by Lani

Hey Em :)

How are things going?

I have kept this in prayer as well as protection in all areas.
I hafta agree.... something is unsettling about the entire situation. God will show truth, seeking Him as you are ensures such.

Keep us posted, we care!

Peace n Luv in Christ,
*BlessYou* Lani
