Hello ItsJanet
God bless you this day.
I can relate to all you have shared thus far, even your hesitation. (((hugs))) Prior to my own "understood" experiences with The Holy Spirit, I really didn't know what to expect, except what was shared in The Bible -- and, quite honestly, some of what is shared in Bible gave me pause. What I found out later was that The Lord knows us so intimately, that He knows exactly the perfect way in which to approach us, as an individual, and how to let us know that it is Him.
Quite frankly, I couldn't imagine myself standing on the street corner, evangelizing, or even going door-to-door sharing His Word or even walking up to complete strangers and praying for others and laying hands on them, etc. It all seemed so foreign and contrary to who I am, that I just simply could not relate. I didn't have a problem believing God worked in "some" others that way, but me??? no, I couldn't go there. And guess what? I still can't. But, because I have now experienced Him, I am now open to Him doing that very thing, if it be His will.
His calling for you is custom made, and it will fit you like a glove.
I guess I had the good fortune of not knowing what to expect, other than what had been shared in The Bible. I really had not spoken to many other people nor heard what their experience(s) was/were, or how it all happened; therefore, I had no preconceived ideas (except for what I had read in The Bible).
My first experience with The Holy Spirit, where I knew that I knew that what I knew was Him
happened while I was in a room by myself and it happened without sound, and without me seeing anything, but it was Him enveloping me with His peace, a peace that I had never, ever, ever experienced before, and it was AWESOME!!! It didn't last very long either. But, I knew it was Him.
How did I know? Because somehow He gave me that knowing, too. (double big grin)
I came away from that blessed experience wanting more of Him. Again, something that He does, because I know I am unable to replicate Him or being in His presence.
My first "understood" experience with my best Friend, The Holy Spirit, happened 7 years ago -- more than 2 decades after I had received Christ Jesus as my Saviour. What can I say, I was a late bloomer.
Seek The Lord with your whole being, and He will choose the perfect time, and the perfect way to make His presence known to you, and you will be blessed! In the meantime, gobble up His Word, talk and pray to Him. He knows you, Itsjanet, and He knows, too, that you are seeking to know Him.
Prayers are rising to our Lord in the name of Jesus, on your behalf. May God's blessed will be done.
God bless and keep you, Itsjanet.
Sister Mack