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mark a thread as unread?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 12:25 am
by mlg
Is there any way you can mark a thread as unread? I was reading through the counseling journals...but some of them are long and I need to come back to them tomorrow and post replies...any way I can mark it as unread after clicking on a thread? that way I remember which posts I have read and which I havent?

Re: mark a thread as unread?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 4:59 pm
by phantomfaith
hiya mlg :)

once u click on a thread you cannot mark it unread but you can save them to your favorites. At the bottom of the page of the thread you will see this:

Home Subscribe topic Bookmark topic FAQ † Delete all board cookies † All times are UTC - 6 hours [ DST ]

When you click Subscribe, you will receive automatic emails when anyone posts to that thread.

What you prolly want though is to click the Bookmark.

This will save it to your favorites, to access your bookmarks click the UCP tab at the top of any page and then on the left menu click on Manage Bookmarks. You can then see which threads you want to reply too and afterwards you can go back and remove the bookmarks if you like.

You can manage your subscriptions from that UCP page as well.

Hope this helps :)

God Bless you sister *Cross*

Re: mark a thread as unread?

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 12:29 am
by mlg
Thanks Phan...didn't know if it had a button like e-mail does to mark unread or not...and it doesn't lol

I think the bookmark thingy will work just fine...I"ll give it a whirl.

Thanx again *hug*

luv ya