New Forums help guide?

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New Forums help guide?

Postby mlg » Thu Mar 03, 2011 6:07 pm

I'm really confused about how to use the new forums. Is there a help guide somewhere to access, that says what is what and how to do what?

Please help :)
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Re: New Forums help guide?

Postby Mackenaw » Thu Mar 03, 2011 6:22 pm

mlg wrote:I'm really confused about how to use the new forums. Is there a help guide somewhere to access, that says what is what and how to do what?

Please help :)

Hello Mlg *hug*

God bless you this day.

If you look up at the top, you'll see a HOME button, that will take you back to the Forums Index Page.

If you are desiring to return to the particular Forum in which you just read a post in, scroll down below the actual post you were reading, and you'll see something like "return to _________ Forum" just click on it and it will take you back to that particular Forum.

I hope this helps. If you have any specific questions, just ask and we'll test it together. :)

God bless and keep you, Mlg.
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Re: New Forums help guide?

Postby mlg » Thu Mar 03, 2011 6:36 pm

Hi Mack, I actually have several questions. Guess, I'll start with the most pressing and go down the list. I noticed when I'm logged onto the forums, if I'm not actually typing something, I got logged out after just a couple of minutes. It sent me back to the main forums but I had to re-enter my password. Do you know why this may have happened? I also noticed that when I read posts or log out and come back that the light for new posts is still there as if I never read them. Do you know why this is happening? When I go to my profile my coolspace doesn't show up. Do you know where I find it? Why is there a profile activity thingy at the top of forums, but it's not my profile it's someone else's comments? I have lots of buttons I'm not sure what they are and I'm afraid to click I don't want to mess something up. There is a button at the bottom of the forum posts that says upload attachment...what is this? I guess I should go make a list of all my other questions. Sorry to be a pain here.
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Re: New Forums help guide?

Postby Mackenaw » Thu Mar 03, 2011 6:44 pm

mlg wrote:Hi Mack, I actually have several questions. Guess, I'll start with the most pressing and go down the list. I noticed when I'm logged onto the forums, if I'm not actually typing something, I got logged out after just a couple of minutes. It sent me back to the main forums but I had to re-enter my password. Do you know why this may have happened? I also noticed that when I read posts or log out and come back that the light for new posts is still there as if I never read them. Do you know why this is happening? When I go to my profile my coolspace doesn't show up. Do you know where I find it? Why is there a profile activity thingy at the top of forums, but it's not my profile it's someone else's comments? I have lots of buttons I'm not sure what they are and I'm afraid to click I don't want to mess something up. There is a button at the bottom of the forum posts that says upload attachment...what is this? I guess I should go make a list of all my other questions. Sorry to be a pain here.

Hello Mlg :)

In regards to being knocked out before we wanted to, I'm not sure. That happened to me too a few minutes ago. I think they are still addressing some of the glitches. And, same thing with the lights not going out, probably a temporary glitch.

Cool Spaces will be transferred, and also I hear the new system will be more user-friendly on the My COOLspace. Again, they are still working on them.

Thank you for posting these things, Mlg. It is helpful to the Administration Team to see what is still hiccuping, etc. :)

So far I can't type in the Shoutbox -- but feel confident they are working on that too.

Thank you again, Mlg -- and thank you for the prayers of support while these awesome new Forum changes are taking place. Yeah!!!

Love you, Mlg ((hugs))
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Re: New Forums help guide?

Postby mlg » Thu Mar 03, 2011 7:03 pm

Hi Mack,

Well since I'm posting questions...I'm adding more now lol

What are drafts?
When I view a post with multiple pages, sometimes it takes me to the first page instead of the last page, even when I click on the number thingys. Why might this be happening?

Yep I know there are glitches to be ironed out...and I'm sure there are things to be removed as far as buttons...

I am just thankful I can read and post in the forums.

Thank you for your replies Mack....and maybe I'll receive all my answers in time.

luv ya
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Re: New Forums help guide?

Postby Mackenaw » Thu Mar 03, 2011 8:27 pm

Hello Mlg :)

A draft is when you are writing, but have to stop before you are done, so you draft it -- save it, but doesn't post in the Forum, and then you can come back to it and finish it later.

I'm gonna try it right now.

Cool -- Mack is going into the Draft Zone.

Save draft

Please note that saved drafts only include the subject and the message, any other element will be removed. Do you want to save your draft now?

Above is the question that is asked. How cool!!!

Then I went back to HOME and clicked went across until I saw the UPC button (looks like gears) and I clicked on that and then over to the left it says something like manage Drafts, so I clicked on that and this draft came up where I had stopped after "Cool -- Mack is going into the Draft Zone" and I chose to "Load Draft" and woooohoooo my Draft up and now I'm finishing it.

I'd say the multiple page thingy not taking you to the most recent post is possible a glitch, or maybe 1 is the most recent instead of say 22??? I'll try it and respond again.

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Re: New Forums help guide?

Postby Mackenaw » Thu Mar 03, 2011 8:33 pm

She's back rofl

I road tested opening a Forum Topic that had multiple pages, and the highest number is the most recent page of updates -- just as it was before, and I navigated to the correct page when I clicked on the highest number.

Must have just been a glitch when you tested it.

Hope this helps, Mlg.
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Re: New Forums help guide?

Postby mlg » Thu Mar 03, 2011 8:50 pm

I'm so glad you made your way back from the "draft zone" Mack :P rofl

Ok cool so we can start a draft of something and come back later and finish it...that is cool and will help a lot when I'm at work. Do you know if there is a way to post videos in the forum posts or not? Just curious as it's a feature I've always hoping with the new forums it's possible.

As for those glitches...well ya's probably all something that will come out in the wash ;)

Am I driving you crazy yet Ms. Mack?

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Re: New Forums help guide?

Postby mlg » Thu Mar 03, 2011 8:58 pm

Ok so that last question wasn't my last lol...another glitch...when I log out of the forums completely and come back it still shows all unread posts as lit up instead of posts since last visit....
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Re: New Forums help guide?

Postby mlg » Thu Mar 03, 2011 10:04 pm

I tried what Phan posted in the shoutbox about deleting board cookies and it should work to keep us from being logged out of forums. It didn't fix it. After being idle for a bit...I was logged out again...even after doing this.

*note* I'm putting everything I find I don't want to bother Phan with pm's as I know he is busy...and this way he can get to this stuff as he has please don't anyone think I'm being a pest or a complainer...
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Re: New Forums help guide?

Postby goldieluvs » Thu Mar 03, 2011 10:16 pm

Ok ya'll i gotta admit i am SOOOO lost. i clicked the home page to try to view all forums to see new activity and it poofed and i think logged me out or something,,,, i wandered around a little and am able to find a couple forums at a time... wooo hooo site looks awesome tho,,, know the felllas have been working hard on it, bless their hearts. Well God is good and He will help them fix it.... in meantime i will try again tomorrow. My head is spinning from trying to figure it all out rofl Patience though for sure. a huge hug all around.... luv u all
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Re: New Forums help guide?

Postby goldieluvs » Thu Mar 03, 2011 10:17 pm

ok one quick add, i went back to home and it brought me right back here................all is well though...
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