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Burden upon my soul No More

Postby Ann_is_Alive » Sun Oct 06, 2013 4:07 pm

Burden upon my soul No More

A terrible burden upon my soul
Heavy and suffocating
A presence so deeply imprinted
It lasts years beyond the moments
Guarding my breath of life
Connected at the core
Forcing poison into my blood

Words whispered deeply etched
Upon my fragile bones
The sound of a haunting threat
Echoes in my memory and heart
Laying limp, lifeless and frozen
My death is more powerful
Than my beating drum crying

Wings fallen with every tear
An invisible escape of longing
A kiss upon the throat of my voice
My lips sewn together
Hands running upon my body as claws
Leaving no trace of it's touch
Living a nightmare as a shell

The little girl is still hiding
From healing and compassion
As the woman searches for her
Empty as love is stolen
All that is beautiful and pure
Has disappeared and left a shadow
My fear is so distant
And so close I can feel it

Spiralling confusion of snakes
Poison rising to attack
Stored in my cells unmovable
Locked like chains
I am tangled in spider's web
The creatures of the night
Crawling underneath my skin
Binding me to silence

So desperate for relief
There is ice and fire burning
Frozen emotion cracking
Anger is the barrier to pain
Melting and destroying my strength
The unbearable suffering
Striking at my power

Draining the force of my will
To move forward and grow free
As it returns over and over
The sharp bite of family betrayal
They visit me in my dreams
Masks and symbols exposed
And I surrender with my weakness

As I remember what lurks beneath
They hold me down laughing at my terror
Pleasure found in torturing me forever
Protecting our secret
From ever ever being revealed
Wrapped in my nakedness alone
As a tiny child and a haunted adult

Never ever any comfort to hold me
In a safe and gentle embrace of warmth
Soothing my aching wounds
With a touch of kindness
Unfamiliar in my isolated solitude
Surrender to this trust feels like danger
To be cleansed of these wounds

On the edge I pray upon the heavens
For His eyes to see me broken
For Him to know my truth
To look upon my darkness with His Light
Seeing to my essence
Untouched by this horrific dirt
Giving me hope and inspiration
That I can be whole again......

That I Am Whole Again

That I Am His And No Other's


ty for listening

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