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Make me come to life

Postby RockofAges » Sat May 04, 2013 6:42 pm

Guys if this link is not ok remove it but I got a poem I wrote from it.

The Holy Grail

waiting for my design to form

Magnificent invention but frail

Spare parts from ancestors passed down through firey storm

Assembled parts

of them I am

everything but an eternal heart

First breath cries about

I feel death let me out

Save my life create in me a heart alive and pure

Make me alive not just undead

Not just some machine walking a path unsure

Give a meaning for the thoughts in my head

I dress to impress my journey beyond the outer gait

Wandering around looking for sound reason I hesitate

I look to others for answers as they look to me

Same thing found nothing around worthy to see

Returning to you for a clue

We bang on your door to get an answer from You

You let us in to find you again

asking you how do we begin

Wanting your love and repair

finding you always been waiting there

Answers found but I took off not around my patience streamed thin

When searching for you in all the wrong places leading others into sin

I know in time You will sort things out and seek me out with what you always had in mind

To find me bring me back in your arms and recreate me to be in your likeness image and design.
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Re: Make me come to life

Postby Truesovereigncrown » Sat May 04, 2013 8:52 pm

Very deep,thankyou for sharing it.
God bless you.
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Posts: 142
Marital Status: Married

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