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Prisoner of my Mind

Postby BeckyHeart21888 » Sun Jul 13, 2014 4:57 pm

Chain up against the wall of the prison cell of my mind...
Talked myself into Believing I deserve life...
Look at my scars, can't you tell I was in a fight...
Why do they keep hurting me, with words that cut like razer blades?
Oh no! I hear myself repeating the very thing they say...
If their lies hold no truth, then why do I stay? Why do I listen? The door is open and I see it in clear view...I yell to myself...Walk out! Walk out! No ones holding you!

Stop torturing yourself for what others have done too you...Why do you give them so much control they are no longer around you...

Somedays I walk out and feel free...Then rejection and abandonment comes to visit me. The sting of the pain leads me back to all I to my prison cell all alone...

No visitors please, I know they want too see me...Lease they try to talk me out of leaving my prison. Serving time for what others said, did, didn't do, too me...
Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest. - Joshua 1:9 kjv
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