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Postby cimi » Fri Apr 03, 2009 1:40 pm

April 2


_Joshua 1:1-9

Arise, go over this
Jordan.... I will not
leave you nor forsake
you. __Joshua 1:2,5

Whenever the Lord assigns us a difficult task, He gives us what we need to carry it out. John Wesley wrote, "Among the many difficulties of our early ministry, my brother Charles often said, 'If the Lord would give me wings, I'd fly.' I used to answer, 'If God bids me fly, I will trust Him for the wings.' "

Today's Scripture tells us that Joshua was thrust into a position of great responsibility. No doubt the enormity of the challenge before him made him tremble with fear. How could he ever follow such a great leader as Moses? In his own strength it would be impossible to lead the people into the promised Land. But along with the marching orders, the Lord gave him an assuring promise: "I will not leave you nor forsake you" (Josh. 1:5). Then He said, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go" (v.9). Such reassurances were the backing Joshua needed.

If God has given you some special work to do that frightens you, it's your responsibility to jump at it. It's up to the Lord to see your through. As you faithfully do your part, He will do His part. __Richard De Haan

````````````I'll go where You want me to go, dear Lord,`````````````
``````````````````O'er mountain or plain or sea;``````````````````
````````````I'll say what You want me to say, dear Lord,````````````
`````````````I'll be what You want me to be. __Brown``````````````

Where God guides, God provides!

****************Today's Bible Reading __ Joshua 1:1-9************

1 After the death of Moses
the servant of the LORD, it
came to pass that the LORD
spoke to Joshua the son of
Nun, Moses' assistant,
saying: 2 "Moses My
servant is dead. Now
therefore, arise, go over this
Jordan, you and all this
people, to the land which I
am giving to them--the
children of Israel.... 5 No
man shall be able to stand
before you all the days of
your life; as I was with
Moses, so I will be with
you. I will not leave you
nor forsake you.

6 "Be strong and of good
courage, for to this people
you shall divide as an
inheritance the land which I
swore to their fathers to
give them. 7 Only be strong
and very courageous, that
you may observe to do
according to all the law
which Moses MY servant
commanded you; do not
turn from it to the right
hand or to the left, that you
may prosper wherever you
go. 8 This Book of the Law
shall not depart from your
mouth, but you shall
meditate in it day and night,
that you may observe to do
according to all that is
written in it. For then you
will make your way
prosperous, and then you
will have good success.

9 Have I not commanded
you? Be strong and of good
courage; do not be afraid,
nor be dismayed, for the
LORD your God is with you
wherever you go."


The opening of Joshua's book forms a call to spiritual commitment.
The key is that Joshua's service would not be in his own strength,
but in the Lord's. God promises, "The LORD your God is with you
wherever you go" (v.9). Bill Crowder
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