Brillo Pads and Comet Dust: Skrubby's Blog

This forum is for those who are participating in the Many Called Few Chosen program and for those who feel that they have been Called by God. This is the place to share thoughts with others who also feel called. Many have been Called by God to serve Him BUT few will be chosen. The reason is simple ... Few choose to answer the Call. Have you been CALLED? Join this forum and find out how you can better answer your calling.
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Postby mlg » Sun Oct 26, 2008 7:41 pm

Oh skrubby always have hope and covet the best gifts my friend. The Lord has a plan for you skrubby, and you just never know what it's all about, but I can assure you it's spectacular and even amazing. Remember He can do so much thru you, things you can't even imagine, so if he says skrubby come hither, I have a job for you, push back on any doubts and say I'm here and ready, cuz I may not know who I am, but I know who you are Father in me. You, Know Him skrubby and that's all you need to Know, cuz He knows what He's gonna do with you. Praise Jesus for His Way, cuz it's always the best way.

So glad to see you beginning this new journey skrubby. It's gonna be a great one.

luv ya
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Postby Dora » Mon Oct 27, 2008 7:03 pm

Hey skrubby, sounds familiar.
I never thought I would be a positive person.
Then the other day I opened a new can of cocoa and said, "This can is only half full."
Someone said, "You mean it's half empty."
I laughed as everything use to always be half empty.
I was a very negative person.
Give me a situation and I'd find the bad in it.
What a change he has made in me.
If he can do that in me, he can do that in you too. :)

Kicked the can did ya? lol I remember kicking a few things, throwing some things, and more. *Whistle*

You are doing great brother.
You'll get there.
In time.
God is so very patient.
More patient than we could ever imagine.
We would probably find more peace if we applied more of his patience to our own growth.

Such a blessing to watch you grow. :)
Love ya bro! *hug*

btw love the title :)
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Postby mlg » Mon Oct 27, 2008 7:29 pm

Ya know skrubby, I used to be a lot like you. There were times that when I was angry, I'd just let it out. The neat thing is though that you didn't take yours out on somebody, you just beat up the trash can :) I bet your thinking, how can she say that's neat...well I bet before you'd have went and took it out on someone am I right? Now your learning to control your anger, step by step. Next time, I bet you won't even kick the can, cuz as you grow in Jesus, He will help you during your times of anger. Keep taming those things that get to you most. Don't let them bother you so much, cuz when you begin to focus on those things, your losing your focus on Jesus, and that is not what He wants.

Now, what's really were singing a hymn to the Lord today, and guess what skrubby, even if you didn't know all the words, He heard your voice and He was humming right along with you...I just know it.

Skrubby keep doing the steps. Keep growing into the man He wants you to be. He is going to use you skrubby like you just won't believe. Let God mold you...He's the potter, we are the clay.

luv ya
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Postby susidivah » Mon Oct 27, 2008 8:24 pm

Lemme just say Skrubbles that I believe patience is a virtue, as it is a Fruit of the Spirit. An important one ;) Continue to channel all that negative energy into Him and the Spirit and you WILL continue to change... trust me, for I am going thru it (still) too!

And also believe me when I say you never know who's watching and taking notes... to lead by example and action is sometimes the bigger way to show them Jesus...

Bless you, Skrubbles and rawk on *band* (that's you on the mike)

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Postby --- » Mon Oct 27, 2008 10:55 pm

Ok, reading your first post in this entry, I thought to myself, "that's one of the coolest things I've ever read."

Then I got to your second entry, "maintaining a positive attitude is a miracle in itself."

To the degree you believe that, Skrub, you are clearly kidding yourself. Your posts are some of the most thoughtful, inspired, and inspiring I've seen on Oasis. They are genuine, thoughtful, and inspired by the Holy Spirit.

You are positive not only for you, but for those around you, Skrubby. As uncomfortable as it may be, recognize that, be grateful for it, and give HIM the glory for it. You are a blessing, Skrub, to those on Oasis and, I'm willing to bet, those with whom you interact daily.

Ok, maybe not the trash can.

I'm thankful for you, Skrubby. I have no doubt you make our Father smile . . . OFTEN.

*JesusSign* *TheWave*
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Postby Tracy L » Tue Oct 28, 2008 9:27 pm

Amen sis,

No contests here about who's sins are holier than thou. We are equal on that page. And at the same time all saved by the same Grace of God through Jesus! Amen on that note.

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Tracy L

Postby mlg » Tue Oct 28, 2008 9:57 pm

Skrubby wooohooo free my friend you are set free by the blood of Jesus!!!!

Many people struggle with many addictions, but you know what I think is so great, Jesus has started allowing you to see that you don't have to submit to those temptations but turn to Him. I'd like to suggest a porn blocker for your computer also my friend. They have helped many, and are free.

May you know how much we love you hear skrubby, and tonight you have shared some of your struggles with your friends, and may you know we are praying for you and want to see you continue to grow in your walk with the Lord.

I'm so proud of you my friend, and so is Jesus.

luv ya *hug*
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Postby sweetlittleangel » Wed Oct 29, 2008 12:11 pm

dear skrubby, im so thankful for all ur post in both study..i dunno why, they really touch my heart..cuz i could sense Him n His love together with u in ur journey..bring tears to my eyes..
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Postby susidivah » Wed Oct 29, 2008 7:39 pm

Hey Skrubbs,

I thank God you were led to share that part of your testimony, bro. You have no idea how many will read this blog and say Hey, I could've written that or Hey, that's me there and this guy is overcoming it with the help of God! *angelbounce*

Like Tracy said sin is all equal in God's eyes. I wish more peeps would get that. I know its hard to fathom for it took me a very long time to even begin to grasp it. I can so relate to where you've been and even more with those particular weeds. Addiction to anything is a prime example of allowing Satan to overrun the mind and garden with weeds. But one thing about addictions as sin I've learned is there is tremendous renewing opportunity AND tremendous witnessing opportunity thru experience. This my brother is truly where God wants us to be in His Kingdom, as CALLED and as CHOSEN. And from everything I've seen and felt you type here at the Oasis He's got a greater hold on you than any porn, erotica or that thereof ever could!

Keep fighting, Skrubbs, and know I'm here to talk as a sister in Christ if you are comfy...

Love ya much,
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Postby mlg » Wed Oct 29, 2008 9:50 pm

Faith skrubby, wow this is one of the hardest struggles, even for me at times. I'm a lot like Peter as the Lord leads me to something, and says my child I need you to do this, but then I begin to doubt that I can do it. In reality, I can't do it, I just need to submit to Him and Know that He can do it, and He just needs me to be the vessel.

Skrubby you have shared a struggle that many others are going through, may your testimony help another.

Keep doing the steps skrubby,

luv ya
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Postby sweetlittleangel » Thu Oct 30, 2008 12:07 am

Amen skrubby, amen!
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Postby lizzie » Thu Oct 30, 2008 3:34 pm

skrubbles my brother *hug5*

I wanna say thank you for your open and honest sharing on here. It takes a lot of courage but is sometimes very necessary.

I would never see or treat you any differently. Cuz we are all battling with our own struggles, our own addictions, our own bad habits. Some we have overcome, others, God is still working on.

As for faith... well I think the problem isnt that we dont have faith, but rather we have faith in the wrong things, in the negative things. We tend to choose to believe in those, rather than place our faith in God. Weird as it sounds, I think we do it to protect ourself, so that if somethin doesnt work out for us, we wont be disappointed or hurt. Rarely works tho.

It is kinda a distrust in God, that started way back in the Garden of Eden, where Eve chose to believe satan and doubt that what God was saying to her was true.

I think Im straying off topic here now, but know that you are not alone. As long as you let Him, God will continue working within you, taking what the enemy and the world twisted and untwisting them by revealing the truth. This is a lifelong journey, and it is a humbling one, for if we overcame anything too easily, we would take God's awesome power for granted and be tempted to think that we can do things on our own.

God bless u skrubbles :)
Love in Him
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