Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Fri Jun 28, 2013 12:03 am

June 27


1 Corinthians

For in fact the body
is not one member
but many.
__1 Corinthians 12:14

Most regions of the world are familiar with the amazing phenomenon of snow. Snowflakes are beautiful, uniquely crafted ice crystals. Individual snowflakes are fragile, and they quickly melt if they land on your hand. Yet, en masse they create a force to be reckoned with. They can shut down major cities while creating beautiful landscapes of snow-laden trees whose pictures decorate calendars and become the subject of artwork. They provide pleasure on the ski slopes and joy for children as they make snowmen and ammunition for snowball fights. All because they stick together.

So it is with those of us who follow Christ. Each of us has been uniquely gifted with the capacity to make a contribution to the work of Christ. We were never intended to live in isolation but to work together to become a great force for God and the advance of His cause. As Paul reminds us, the body of Christ "is not one member but many" (1 Cor. 12:14). All of us are to use our gifts to serve one another so that together we can make a significant difference in our world.

Put your giftedness to work , joyfully cooperate with the giftedness of those around you, and let the wind of the Spirit use you for His glory! _Joe Stowell

`````````````````Lord, teach us to use our strengths in cooperation with`````````````````
`````````````````the strengths of others. Help us to serve as one so that`````````````````
`````````````````we might know the joy of the power of our togetherness````````````````
``````````````````for Your name's sake and the advance of your kingdom.`````````````````

We can accomplish more together than we can alone.

************Today's Bible Reading __ 1 Corinthians 12:12-27*****************

12 For as the body is one
and has many members, but
all the members of that one
body, being many, are one
body, so also is Christ.

13 For by one Spirit we were
all baptized into one body__
whether Jews or Greeks,
whether slaves or free__and
have all been made to drink
into one Spirit.

14 For in fact the body is
not one member but many.

15 If the foot should say,
"Because I am not a hand, I
am not of the body," is it
therefore not of the body?

16 And if the ear should say,
"Because I am not an eye, I
am not of the body," is it
therefore not of the body?

17 If the whole body were an
eye, where would be the
hearing? If the whole were
hearing, where would be the
smelling? 18 But now God
has set the members, each
one of them, in the body
just as he pleased. 19 And if
they were all one member,
where would the body be?

20 But now indeed there are
many members, yet one

21 And the eye cannot say
to the hand, "I have no need
of you:; nor again the head
to the feet, "I have not need
of you." 22 No, much rather,
those members of the body
which seem to be weaker
are necessary. 23 and those
members of the body which
we think to be less
honorable, on these we
bestow greater honor; and
our unpresentable parts have
greater modesty, 24 but our
presentable parts have no
need. But God composes
the body, having given
greater honor to that part
which lacks it, 25 that there
should be no schism in the
body, but that the members
should have the same care
for one another. 26 And if
one member suffers, all the
members suffer with it; or if
one member is honored, all
the members rejoice with it.

27 Now you are the body of
Christ, and members
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Location: Washington


Postby mary hernandez » Fri Jun 28, 2013 10:04 pm

yes...we need to entwine and become closely knitted Christians cuz every member of the body serves a purpose and the others all benefit from one another as well...we operate as a body...and become a force to be wreckoned with...all for Gods will and purpose.. amen
God shows himself the STRONGEST when we are at our weakest!! Remember God is ALWAYS in CONTROL...We just gotta walk in FAITH..NOT by SIGHT amen
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mary hernandez
Posts: 98
Location: texas
Marital Status: Single


Postby mary hernandez » Fri Jun 28, 2013 10:04 pm

yes...we need to entwine and become closely knitted Christians cuz every member of the body serves a purpose and the others all benefit from one another as well...we operate as a body...and become a force to be wreckoned with...all for Gods will and purpose.. amen
God shows himself the STRONGEST when we are at our weakest!! Remember God is ALWAYS in CONTROL...We just gotta walk in FAITH..NOT by SIGHT amen
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mary hernandez
Posts: 98
Location: texas
Marital Status: Single

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