Intercessory Prayer Needed

Hosted by Saint 701 ... This forum is for the purpose of examining the subject of Grace and its great place in God's work in the body of Christ Jesus of which we are a part. "The Book of Romans" was chosen for the title since that book is so rich in Grace to us, but in no way is this forum limited in examining Grace to only the "Book of Romans."

Intercessory Prayer Needed

Postby saint701 » Tue Feb 07, 2012 2:06 pm

Hello Christianity Oasis!

How are you doing this wonderful day in the Lord?


A few weeks ago my eyes opened to see a church downstairs in the vacated, no longer used basement living area. That church area needs a thorough cleaning before the Lord becomes active in filling it with people. Of course that's no problem for me, my problem is getting the Lord to loose me to get it ready and loose me to head out door to door to bring in the sheeves. I'm reminded of Billy Graham crusades and the amount of prayer that went into an area before he and his ministry team ever arrived. That is the help I need. I need intercessory prayer on behalf of the Lord's work in breaking ground in the lives of the people of this city where I live. That way when I sow the Word of God into that ground, the ground will be fertile and the Lord glorified with the harvest. I live in Webster Groves, Missouri, which is a suburb of St. Louis.

In addition to the intercessory prayer mentioned above I would also ask that you all pray the Lord bless this home where I live with His cleansing love and light continually.

Thank you all so very, very much!

Love, In Christ Jesus, saint.
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Re: Intercessory Prayer Needed

Postby Lani » Tue Feb 07, 2012 5:56 pm

Howdy Saint!

Honored to stand in prayer for His Holy Will! I am certain others will as well, even if they post no reply :) awesomeness of HIS Oasis Family!!!

Prepare the place, people Will come.

God bless you in this mission. I pray that through your service, many will come to KNOW His truth.

Peace n Luv in Christ,
*BlessYou* Lani
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Re: Intercessory Prayer Needed

Postby ServeGod » Wed Feb 08, 2012 8:03 am

wow awesome.
Praying in accord that the Lord bless this home where you live with His cleansing love and light continually.
May the Holy Spirit continue to guide you in all things.
May the will of God be done through works and words of his saint. *Halo*
God bless you.
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Re: Intercessory Prayer Needed

Postby saint701 » Thu Mar 22, 2012 3:17 pm

Hello All,


I thank all of you that have spent time in prayer helping to birth this church, and I praise and worship the Lord of Glory for being gracious and kind toward us always.

Now I will pray in one accord with those whose hearts the Lord has touched to lift up their voice unto the Lord as I asked.

Our dearest Heavenly Dad that is Lord of the Harvest. We come together before you in the wonderful name of Jesus by the Blood of Jesus and agree together that we bind all wicked spirits that would interfere with anything concerning this place of worship that is called by your name. Father, we agree as touching the church you have laid it on my heart to birth here in this house that is called by your name and ask that all of your spiritual blessings be upon it as though it was in heavenly places. We ask that your Spirit and Ministering Spirits always be present to help birth, grow and develop each spirit and their soul, and also to make this a place where all are made well physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Father, abba Father, we ask that you draw many into this fellowship of your love and that we all come to the Lord Jesus and through Him become partakers of your divine nature and have your eternal life in us forever and ever.

Lord Jesus we pray that you grant us all to come to you by the drawing of the Father, and ask also that you honor your word of agreement that our Heavenly Dad has birthed this place to His glory and your glory through the glory of your Holy Father who is our Father also. We ask Lord Jesus that you be in us and the Father be in us, as you are in the Father. Please be in us as you are in Him and us be in you and also your words of truth be in us and we abide in your word that is truth, and bear much fruit to the glory of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Father, in Jesus name we pray, and give thanks that you will birth this church of your first born and that you will be in it and will stay in it. We confess before you Father that the name of this church will be The Church of the First Born and that your will-will be done here on earth as it is in heaven, that your Kingdom be here in 8569 Big Bend Blvd., Webster Groves, Missouri.

Now Father, these have asked, and I ask also in agreement with them that you supply me with your will and strength of your will, and your mind also with wisdom and all understanding to bring you glory by doing your will in this house always.

Heavenly Father, we just praise you, worship you, and give you all the glory. Father, we love and adore you, and praise and worship your Holy Name. Amen and Amen.

Again I give thanks to you Father, and thank all here with me in agreement on these petitions before you, and ask your greatest blessings on all those that love you. In Jesus precious, we pray, and give thanks. Amen, and Amen.
Love, In Christ Jesus, saint.
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Re: Intercessory Prayer Needed

Postby saint701 » Mon Sep 10, 2012 12:40 pm

Hello All,


Thank you my sonderful brothers and sisters so very, very much for your continuing prayers on behalf of the church our Lord desired to birth here. The Lord let me know this morning that your prayers have been heard and answered with blessings abounding to us all. He also let me know that He was a tad aggravated that I didn't have the faith to ask you all to stop praying for that church to be birthed long before now. Therefore, I confess that sin of faithlessness on my part and ask you and the Lord to forgive and cleanse me of that error.

That being said, I still need your prayers that I might continue posting those things the Lord shows me through the eyes and experience of the Spirit. I greatly love and desire to continue feeding the flock of the Lord, and humbly ask you in the sight of the Lord that our Lord continues to bring me His revelation that His sheep might be fed only His truth by His Spirit of Truth.

Again, thank you very, very much for your faithfulness, and do hope you will continue interceeding on my behalf that I might see what is on the mind of our Lord and show it to you all.

Love, In Christ Jesus, saint.
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Re: Intercessory Prayer Needed

Postby saint701 » Sun Mar 03, 2013 11:46 am

Greetings to all of you wonderful friends of the Lord!


Thank you for your fervent prayers in birthing our Lord's Church, the Church of the First Born, in my home. Because of your faithfulness the first part of our mission, that is, the birthing of the Lord's Church here is now complete. Because of your steadfast prayers our Lord Jesus has opened a door for us to bring in the sheaves. We've gathered a handful so far which is a good beginning, but we need your prayer support so that we might reach all those the Lord wills be brought into His Kingdom by His Spirit into our Church of the First Born.

Thank you all for your great faithfulness!

Blessings in the Lord!
Love, in Christ Jesus, Saint701
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