Christianity Oasis Forum
Re: My silent witness
I just finished the Spirit Of Truth study and with tears rolling down my face I just have to say how much I love Jesus and am so thankful that I don't face this world alone, when I am uncertain, he makes it that uncertainity go away and gives me the assurance that I am gonna be ok, He won't let me down, He's the best friend I could ever have in all the world forever and ever and He knows me and He knows my hurt and yet He puts HIS loving arms around me and says Gare I love you and I am sitting here, a 49 year old man, just crying cause I feel HIM here now with me, loving me and telling me that I love you Gare and it's gonna be ok, I called you cause I see something special in you and you are mine and I won't let you down, I will make you strong when you feel week, I will give you confidence when you need it, I always have and now I have brought you to a point in your life where your eyes are opened and now you are doing what I want you do cause you finally surrendered to ME.
This study of how the Holy Spirit is always there and to me HE whispers HIS sweet voice in my ear as I like to call it and says those quiet things that I need to hear to give me the confidence and the peace and ease of my heart for the moment in which I need it and it comes in the perfect timing. HE is so good to me and yet I feel unworthy and yet He still loves me, His love is so grand, the greatest love ever is HIS love for me and all HIS children.
Recently this happened so strong in a time when I was somewhat afraid and it has to do with the calling God has on me to do HIS work here online with people from all over the country and the world.
It began as I've stated earlier with what I did for HIM in opening a prayer group through Facebook, God is using the internet to reach people and move them into a different work for HIM.
This group was actually born out of despairing time for me when I the guy who hurt me who claimed to be a preacher and through his one phone call I began in my heart to know that something wasn't right with him in his so called relationship with God, that so much confusion came from him and out of that I wanted to know more truth, truth I hadn't had before and it was through this man that I turned to Jesus again and found this website here for help and in that searching of my heart a seed was planted in Facebook Prayer Group
It was on Wednesday afternoon right after this guy had hurt me so bad and said things in an email that was so profoundly wrong about God that I heard that quiet voice in my ear say "Do this for me and then sit back and see what happens" and what I was to do was start a prayer group on Facebook.
It was born out my need for prayer and inspired from when my wife was diagnosed with cancer a year ago this year and we had to travel here from our home in North Carolina to Philadelphia, PA, a thirteen hour drive. It was my friends on Facebook and on You Tube who lifted us up during this time and we could feel their prayers as we went through that ordeal when my wife was not only diagnosed in PA but also went through a surgical procedure for treatment of melanoma in her left eye.
I been online for many years and for many years I have been singing online and I truly have made alot of friends from all over the world. I look back now and know that this wasn't my doing, this was God's, the HOLY SPIRIT working His plan here for this time in my life.
He has called me and has been calling me and now the time has come for me to step up to the plate and as hard as it is on my own ability, He is working through me, it's nothing that I do but what HE does through me and I try my best and want to always give HIM the credit for anything that I do. I am nothing alone but with HIM I am something and that is something special cause HE lives within me making me special cause HE is the special within me.
So with all the contacts I have on You Tube and on Facebook as I see and when I look at how much favor I have with all of these contacts, it amazes me as I look back and see that this was nothing more than God working and bringing these people to me, nothing more. This is why He used me to open this prayer group on Facebook and that I did.
When he whispered in my ear and I did such and have watched it grow, I knew he wanted me to watch over it afterall it is my group as admin but I don't take ownership of it, it belongs to God, not me and I seek HIS guidance in watching over it, I do this for HIM. I am HIS hands to move and type what HE wants me to do.
This prayer group was also inspired through my cousin who is now gone on to be with Jesus, he was the one person who opened up the world of computers to me. He and I grew up together and we called each other cousins although I discovered that we really weren't blood kin at all. My uncle, my dad's half brother's wife, my aunt was related to Bill somehow and so hense from that connection we started calling each other cousins.
Bill and I were the same age, his birthday was the day before mine and so we always claimed to have known each other from birth since we were born in the same hospital. We went to elementary school together and I would go over to house as a kid a lot and play with him and his sister who was a year younger than we.
After elementary school we lost contact sort of, we still talked periodically on the phone but never saw each other cause Bill, but now I didn't call him that till we met up again later, his name growing up was William. In fact my mom called him William Andrew cause he was named after his dad. William's parents were school teachers and they taught in a different school system than where William lived and so when William and his sister Jackie were at the right age, their parents transferred them into the school system they taught in. And so from 7th grade to 1995, William and I had very little contact at all. And that was a lot of time and water under the bridge from two guys who friends as kids.
During the time that I was going through the accepting of the baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT of which I don't know if I have shared that here with you guys or anyone else but God knows the time that is when I met up with William once again and stopped calling him William but learned he liked to be called Bill.
When I accepted the Baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT and felt the need to leave the church I grew up in, I visited a church that I knew God wanted me to visit and join and at this church they had a get to know the members social every Sunday in the visavual after the service and I went back one Sunday and of course I already knew many of the members cause I had visited this church off and on for years and I work in retail and have for a very long time so in my small town it's hard for me to go anywhere and not know someone.
At this small getting to meet the members, there was William and he and I had a reunion of sorts there in the church, it was awesome to get to see him again after all these years. He and I talked, my wife wasn't with me, in fact as I recall her mother had just passed away and her mom was her best friend and this is a long story as to what we, my wife and I were going through during this time but seeing Bill again was a good thing that happened during that time.
Bill and I from that first moment became the best of buds. My wife and I both joined this church and we got very active in it, we became Sunday School teachers and taught the singles class and Bill was a member of that class. It was while I was his Sunday School teacher that Bill had brain stem stroke and nearly died. He lived about 9 years after this but it was during those 9 years that our friendship blossomed and he and I became very close.
Bill went through extensive rehab, he had a feeding tube put in and he had to have a nurse come in every day to help him with chores and to take care of him. He lived not far from me. Bill couldn't use his hands well. He was paralyzed somewhat from his neck to his groin. He had use of his arms and his legs and he took meds for every function of his body.
Visiting him I saw a need to help him out as much as I could. During those days in the mid nighties the internet was growing and Bill got a pc and he became knowledgable of how they worked. I would go over and help him out in the evenings and help with his meds, crushing em up and giving em to put into his feeding tube of which he had to have hooked up at night to get the nutrients he needed.
Bill and I developed a deep trust of one another, he was divorced, had a son with his wife and he truly felt alone but I assured him that I was his friend and I tried to make Bill feel acceptance from me, I didn't ever judge him at all. I loved Bill alot and when Bill didn't have hands I tried to be those hands. Bill had the brains when it came to computers and he and I would build em. I would be his hands and i learned alot about computers from him.
The reason for this and how the prayer group was inspired from this is when Bill got a pc back then, the one thing he did online was join all this stroke support chat groups online and from those chat groups he made alot of contacts and he started an online email ministry. He would send out an email every day as a ministry of his own to share Jesus with others.
He was very faithful in doing this until his health got so bad in the end but another took over in the chat support group for him as he couldn't do it toward the end in 2005, Bill had this stroke in 1996 I believe and he had another in 2005 which was the beginning of the end for him on this side of heaven. I miss him for he was truly a good friend to me.
Bill's faithfulness to do this online email ministry is a seed planted too with me to do this prayer group on Facebook. I am reminded how he would get up just as I do early in the morning and type out stuff to share with those in the group for encouragement to walk more closely with HIM.
That is where a seed was planted for me to step up and accept God's calling on my life and I am not real smart but God through the HOLY SPIRIT is guiding me in this ministry. So I do think of him as I do what I do with the prayer group, I do and I know this was within God's plan and purpose for me.
When I didn't see God working in me, He was and I am overwhelmed at how HE was always there for me even when I couldn't see but you know it wasn't HE who moved but me. He never forsaked or abandoned me. Jesus has always been here and I sure am glad he is here so strong now with me.
This study of how the Holy Spirit is always there and to me HE whispers HIS sweet voice in my ear as I like to call it and says those quiet things that I need to hear to give me the confidence and the peace and ease of my heart for the moment in which I need it and it comes in the perfect timing. HE is so good to me and yet I feel unworthy and yet He still loves me, His love is so grand, the greatest love ever is HIS love for me and all HIS children.
Recently this happened so strong in a time when I was somewhat afraid and it has to do with the calling God has on me to do HIS work here online with people from all over the country and the world.
It began as I've stated earlier with what I did for HIM in opening a prayer group through Facebook, God is using the internet to reach people and move them into a different work for HIM.
This group was actually born out of despairing time for me when I the guy who hurt me who claimed to be a preacher and through his one phone call I began in my heart to know that something wasn't right with him in his so called relationship with God, that so much confusion came from him and out of that I wanted to know more truth, truth I hadn't had before and it was through this man that I turned to Jesus again and found this website here for help and in that searching of my heart a seed was planted in Facebook Prayer Group
It was on Wednesday afternoon right after this guy had hurt me so bad and said things in an email that was so profoundly wrong about God that I heard that quiet voice in my ear say "Do this for me and then sit back and see what happens" and what I was to do was start a prayer group on Facebook.
It was born out my need for prayer and inspired from when my wife was diagnosed with cancer a year ago this year and we had to travel here from our home in North Carolina to Philadelphia, PA, a thirteen hour drive. It was my friends on Facebook and on You Tube who lifted us up during this time and we could feel their prayers as we went through that ordeal when my wife was not only diagnosed in PA but also went through a surgical procedure for treatment of melanoma in her left eye.
I been online for many years and for many years I have been singing online and I truly have made alot of friends from all over the world. I look back now and know that this wasn't my doing, this was God's, the HOLY SPIRIT working His plan here for this time in my life.
He has called me and has been calling me and now the time has come for me to step up to the plate and as hard as it is on my own ability, He is working through me, it's nothing that I do but what HE does through me and I try my best and want to always give HIM the credit for anything that I do. I am nothing alone but with HIM I am something and that is something special cause HE lives within me making me special cause HE is the special within me.
So with all the contacts I have on You Tube and on Facebook as I see and when I look at how much favor I have with all of these contacts, it amazes me as I look back and see that this was nothing more than God working and bringing these people to me, nothing more. This is why He used me to open this prayer group on Facebook and that I did.
When he whispered in my ear and I did such and have watched it grow, I knew he wanted me to watch over it afterall it is my group as admin but I don't take ownership of it, it belongs to God, not me and I seek HIS guidance in watching over it, I do this for HIM. I am HIS hands to move and type what HE wants me to do.
This prayer group was also inspired through my cousin who is now gone on to be with Jesus, he was the one person who opened up the world of computers to me. He and I grew up together and we called each other cousins although I discovered that we really weren't blood kin at all. My uncle, my dad's half brother's wife, my aunt was related to Bill somehow and so hense from that connection we started calling each other cousins.
Bill and I were the same age, his birthday was the day before mine and so we always claimed to have known each other from birth since we were born in the same hospital. We went to elementary school together and I would go over to house as a kid a lot and play with him and his sister who was a year younger than we.
After elementary school we lost contact sort of, we still talked periodically on the phone but never saw each other cause Bill, but now I didn't call him that till we met up again later, his name growing up was William. In fact my mom called him William Andrew cause he was named after his dad. William's parents were school teachers and they taught in a different school system than where William lived and so when William and his sister Jackie were at the right age, their parents transferred them into the school system they taught in. And so from 7th grade to 1995, William and I had very little contact at all. And that was a lot of time and water under the bridge from two guys who friends as kids.
During the time that I was going through the accepting of the baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT of which I don't know if I have shared that here with you guys or anyone else but God knows the time that is when I met up with William once again and stopped calling him William but learned he liked to be called Bill.
When I accepted the Baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT and felt the need to leave the church I grew up in, I visited a church that I knew God wanted me to visit and join and at this church they had a get to know the members social every Sunday in the visavual after the service and I went back one Sunday and of course I already knew many of the members cause I had visited this church off and on for years and I work in retail and have for a very long time so in my small town it's hard for me to go anywhere and not know someone.
At this small getting to meet the members, there was William and he and I had a reunion of sorts there in the church, it was awesome to get to see him again after all these years. He and I talked, my wife wasn't with me, in fact as I recall her mother had just passed away and her mom was her best friend and this is a long story as to what we, my wife and I were going through during this time but seeing Bill again was a good thing that happened during that time.
Bill and I from that first moment became the best of buds. My wife and I both joined this church and we got very active in it, we became Sunday School teachers and taught the singles class and Bill was a member of that class. It was while I was his Sunday School teacher that Bill had brain stem stroke and nearly died. He lived about 9 years after this but it was during those 9 years that our friendship blossomed and he and I became very close.
Bill went through extensive rehab, he had a feeding tube put in and he had to have a nurse come in every day to help him with chores and to take care of him. He lived not far from me. Bill couldn't use his hands well. He was paralyzed somewhat from his neck to his groin. He had use of his arms and his legs and he took meds for every function of his body.
Visiting him I saw a need to help him out as much as I could. During those days in the mid nighties the internet was growing and Bill got a pc and he became knowledgable of how they worked. I would go over and help him out in the evenings and help with his meds, crushing em up and giving em to put into his feeding tube of which he had to have hooked up at night to get the nutrients he needed.
Bill and I developed a deep trust of one another, he was divorced, had a son with his wife and he truly felt alone but I assured him that I was his friend and I tried to make Bill feel acceptance from me, I didn't ever judge him at all. I loved Bill alot and when Bill didn't have hands I tried to be those hands. Bill had the brains when it came to computers and he and I would build em. I would be his hands and i learned alot about computers from him.
The reason for this and how the prayer group was inspired from this is when Bill got a pc back then, the one thing he did online was join all this stroke support chat groups online and from those chat groups he made alot of contacts and he started an online email ministry. He would send out an email every day as a ministry of his own to share Jesus with others.
He was very faithful in doing this until his health got so bad in the end but another took over in the chat support group for him as he couldn't do it toward the end in 2005, Bill had this stroke in 1996 I believe and he had another in 2005 which was the beginning of the end for him on this side of heaven. I miss him for he was truly a good friend to me.
Bill's faithfulness to do this online email ministry is a seed planted too with me to do this prayer group on Facebook. I am reminded how he would get up just as I do early in the morning and type out stuff to share with those in the group for encouragement to walk more closely with HIM.
That is where a seed was planted for me to step up and accept God's calling on my life and I am not real smart but God through the HOLY SPIRIT is guiding me in this ministry. So I do think of him as I do what I do with the prayer group, I do and I know this was within God's plan and purpose for me.
When I didn't see God working in me, He was and I am overwhelmed at how HE was always there for me even when I couldn't see but you know it wasn't HE who moved but me. He never forsaked or abandoned me. Jesus has always been here and I sure am glad he is here so strong now with me.
Gare - Posts: 49
- Location: USA
- Marital Status: Married
Re: My silent witness
So wonderful how He came to you. God is so very good. ![Heart Cross *HeartCross*](./images/smilies/heartcross.gif)
![Heart Cross *HeartCross*](./images/smilies/heartcross.gif)
![Angel7 *angel7*](./images/smilies/angel7.gif)
Dora - Posts: 3759
- Location: In Gods Hands
- Marital Status: Married
Re: My silent witness
My wife and I joined the 700 club many years ago and off and on through our marriage we have supported and used this organization for support through prayer request and now using the website. We give now without thinking about it through automatic donations. Wish you guys had that here also cause I truly am being fed by our site and God's says give where you receive or at least that's how I feel about it.
I was reading a post by Pat Roberston on their website and it hit kind of hard to the realization and to start searching to know some truth here.
I have to tell you guys about a guy I met in the prayer group. He was a Pastor once again, unlike the guy who hurt me this guy had all the creditials and has gone to seminary etc... and was a licensed minister, the other guy isn't, he only calls himself a minister. This guy calls himself all three words, preacher, pastor and minister.
This guy was added to the prayer group, he wasn't a friend of mine but all those in the prayer group are connected to me. I know what God did here in the prayer group. I know in my heart what work he has done through me in the group.
Church isn't four walls with a steeple, it's where two or three are gathered in HIS name and in this case we are gathered online and truly we have church in Facebook Prayer Group. It's from this group that we meet and we worship and we pray where ever we are but yet we are joined on this page online together. What an amazing thing this is to have fellowship this way. Who'd have ever thought this type of church could ever be possible
I can't call myself a pastor, I can't call myself a preacher but I do do minstry for HIM and it's not what I do but I do in listening to HOLY SPIRIT and reading HIS WORD for guidance in what I do with the prayer group.
This licensed pastor that joined started another group as well and in this group he said he was a preacher and he would be posting sermons for us to read each Sunday. It was as if he was forming his online church. The thing with the prayer group is we have never called it a church, it's just a group to all of us in it where we come submitting prayers but this guy formed this group, he added me and he reached out to me.
I have never mentioned names in this but I think maybe I should cause I have learned some things about both of these men and I truly am seeking God's affirmation in this and hopes I can understand this fully.
The licensed pastor's name is Eddie and the relationship with him started when he joined the group. His post was different, he always talked about being a christian and how the devil was attacking folks and he seemed more about law than walking in the Spirit. There were what ya say red flags from him alot.
I even had a friend ask me about him before I even knew him in saying that they thought he was suisidal in how he posted about his girlfriend breaking up with him. I didn't know him then but I knew he was troubled and yet he was a pastor and he needed encouragement and I tried to give him such.
This guy out of the blue would send me messages on facebook praying, he would type out prayers to me and be very intimate in them of how he felt alone and abandoned by God, etc.... I would pray about it and tell him and almost remind him that it isn't God who moved but he who moved. God doesn't forsake or abandon us and here I was a lay person telling this to a so called man of God.
What started the friendship was a post he made in his group for no one responding to his messages or sermons, he was condemning and he called me out in the message and so I felt the need to call him and I did and we talked and it felt as if it was good to talk to him and I know the Holy Spirit was in this.
We talked that night for about two hours, Eddie opened up to me and it felt like we were meant to be friends. I shared with Eddie what Pud the other preacher had done and Eddie let me talk to him about it and I truly felt this was within the healing process for me to get this behind me, that this was the way to Let Go and Let God and it was but through the following week or so. Eddie and I only knew each other about two weeks I think for now we aren't friends anymore.
From this one phone call, Eddie began calling every day, in the morning, throughout the day and at night. We talked alot and he told me almost his entire life story. Eddie was a nuisance to me at times but I truly felt that I was to be his friend for he and I talked bout God all the time but I look back now and see the enemy working so strong.
Eddie opened up to me and I in turned opened up to Eddie which I shouldn't have done. I visited Eddie in his home, ironically he just lives up the street from me within walking distance.
Anyway to make this short, here I was a friend to another preacher but he didn't have a church and in fact in the two weeks I've known him he doesn't go to church. I learned he was hurt in church, had a nervous breakdown and was a member of another church but seldom attended.
Here I was after being hurt by another guy who said he was a preacher then I meet another guy who is a preacher and again in hindsight I see simalarities in that neither have any fruit to show that they truly are ministers.
I rest on the word here in that you will know a tree by it's fruit, with this guy I saw known, never heard him talk of winning anyone to Christ and never heard him talk truly about when he accepted Jesus. It was like he was trying to always as I look it to have authority over he helping me.
What I have had revealed to me is these two guys who call themselves minsiters thought they were the ones out to help others but in essense it is I who was helping them in doing what I do by living what I changed the name of this blog to. MY SILENT WITNESS.
Pud and Eddie both come across as having authority to help others but both never give Jesus any credit and both have shown signs of evil spirits dwelling within them to me and that is where I come back to what I originally wrote here about the 700 club.
Upon reading something Pat Robertson wrote about a born again christian couldn't possibly be possessed by an evil spirit but yet through my experience with both these guys I had come to see within my spirit that these two guys could have such and it kind of scares me but I know God is my protector.
I found out Eddie has a mental disorder, he is on disability and he has panic attacks and the thing that cut me off from him which I did was on the last two days that we had contact he really went what you say crazy. I emailed him and prayed for him in such, his response was ok and he said that he did the work he was suppose to do and what he was doing worked, which was really confusing then five minutes later another message came through and in it he said that I was harassing him and this was the last email to me and that if I didn't leave him alone he would have me arrested for harassing him. Course I cut him off at that point but what he accussed me of, he had done from day one of the friendship, in fact that wasn't the last contact, he called a lot and I had a block put on both my cell and my home phone to keep him away. I took this as a serious threat and even had the prayer group pray about it.
I could share the miracle that God did with the prayer group in this but that is not my reason in sharing what I am sharing.
So here we have it Pud threaten to have me arrested for harassment and so did Eddie, both are preachers and Eddie even went as far to call the police. See Eddie kept calling me after this last email of his and he got through my blocks on my cell, it only blocks the call, technology hasn't progressed on cellphones to keep them from leaving voice mails.
I called Eddie back and left a message on his answering machine asking forgiveness if I hurt him cause I had him blocked on Facebook and had him banned from the prayer group cause I learned within my spirit so much about him personally and I had to protect the group as a whole as well for God has called me to watch over and protect the group. This is a flock of people HE gave me if that makes any sense.
I learned from others in the group that the HOLY SPIRIT had revealed to so many stuff about Eddie and stuff within the spiritual realm of it and the physical of it. I learned basically that this guy had the cabability of being dangerous and he did have the police pay me a visit, only I wasn't home but my wife was and the cop told her to tell me to leave this guy alone for he was unstable and could be dangerous.
It's funny how I have tried to get back in touch with the officer but he hasn't returned my calls since he came calling on my door when Eddie made his written threat in writing reality by calling the police cause I left him a voice mail. What Eddie didn't realize was that Eddie was doing what he was accusing me of and he responded to my message and this time he spoke with such authority say Hey Gary,this Pastor Eddie Wellmon etc... and he started judging me course I found out from a friend that Eddie had contacted her on facebook and was running me down the road and she took a stand and told him she would not listen to gossip.
I have never tried to come across as judging Eddie or Pud if anything I have tried to show the truth about them and have asked folks to pray for them, that is all.
What I have seen here, is Pud seems to have a religious spirit upon him and I see a Jezebel spirit within Eddie and if and only if this is the case could it be possible that neither have ever been saved. Is this possible and if so, does God want me to share Jesus with em. The true Jesus with em. I don't know, if he does then I said God you make a way cause at this point they both are my enemies and I say that in jest cause I have no enemies but to both of these men I am theirs for both show nothing but hate toward me.
See this brings me to ask a question of why. Why Lord? Why me? Why have I met two guys who claim to know you but don't know you.. What is my purpose in this? What is your plan for me in this? I know I am to pray but at times I don't know what to pray for. I can't bring myself to pray for punish on them for I think they know not what they do, I really think they don't but I know that if something confuses me that I go to the word of God and search and seek answer to that confusion.
I have been confused but I know God has a plan and I have lifted both these guys up to God, praying that the spirits I see are rebuked and bound and gone for both do not have the HOLY SPIRIT as I know within them. It isn't there for theirs fruits are not the fruits of the spirit.
I see a spirit of lies, of hate, of wrath, of fear, of guilt, of condemning and of jealousy so strong in both and so in sharing this, if anyone is reading this maybe you can help me understand this but I do know God has a perfect plan in all this for all things work together for those who love the Lord and are CALLED according to HIS purpse.
I was reading a post by Pat Roberston on their website and it hit kind of hard to the realization and to start searching to know some truth here.
I have to tell you guys about a guy I met in the prayer group. He was a Pastor once again, unlike the guy who hurt me this guy had all the creditials and has gone to seminary etc... and was a licensed minister, the other guy isn't, he only calls himself a minister. This guy calls himself all three words, preacher, pastor and minister.
This guy was added to the prayer group, he wasn't a friend of mine but all those in the prayer group are connected to me. I know what God did here in the prayer group. I know in my heart what work he has done through me in the group.
Church isn't four walls with a steeple, it's where two or three are gathered in HIS name and in this case we are gathered online and truly we have church in Facebook Prayer Group. It's from this group that we meet and we worship and we pray where ever we are but yet we are joined on this page online together. What an amazing thing this is to have fellowship this way. Who'd have ever thought this type of church could ever be possible
I can't call myself a pastor, I can't call myself a preacher but I do do minstry for HIM and it's not what I do but I do in listening to HOLY SPIRIT and reading HIS WORD for guidance in what I do with the prayer group.
This licensed pastor that joined started another group as well and in this group he said he was a preacher and he would be posting sermons for us to read each Sunday. It was as if he was forming his online church. The thing with the prayer group is we have never called it a church, it's just a group to all of us in it where we come submitting prayers but this guy formed this group, he added me and he reached out to me.
I have never mentioned names in this but I think maybe I should cause I have learned some things about both of these men and I truly am seeking God's affirmation in this and hopes I can understand this fully.
The licensed pastor's name is Eddie and the relationship with him started when he joined the group. His post was different, he always talked about being a christian and how the devil was attacking folks and he seemed more about law than walking in the Spirit. There were what ya say red flags from him alot.
I even had a friend ask me about him before I even knew him in saying that they thought he was suisidal in how he posted about his girlfriend breaking up with him. I didn't know him then but I knew he was troubled and yet he was a pastor and he needed encouragement and I tried to give him such.
This guy out of the blue would send me messages on facebook praying, he would type out prayers to me and be very intimate in them of how he felt alone and abandoned by God, etc.... I would pray about it and tell him and almost remind him that it isn't God who moved but he who moved. God doesn't forsake or abandon us and here I was a lay person telling this to a so called man of God.
What started the friendship was a post he made in his group for no one responding to his messages or sermons, he was condemning and he called me out in the message and so I felt the need to call him and I did and we talked and it felt as if it was good to talk to him and I know the Holy Spirit was in this.
We talked that night for about two hours, Eddie opened up to me and it felt like we were meant to be friends. I shared with Eddie what Pud the other preacher had done and Eddie let me talk to him about it and I truly felt this was within the healing process for me to get this behind me, that this was the way to Let Go and Let God and it was but through the following week or so. Eddie and I only knew each other about two weeks I think for now we aren't friends anymore.
From this one phone call, Eddie began calling every day, in the morning, throughout the day and at night. We talked alot and he told me almost his entire life story. Eddie was a nuisance to me at times but I truly felt that I was to be his friend for he and I talked bout God all the time but I look back now and see the enemy working so strong.
Eddie opened up to me and I in turned opened up to Eddie which I shouldn't have done. I visited Eddie in his home, ironically he just lives up the street from me within walking distance.
Anyway to make this short, here I was a friend to another preacher but he didn't have a church and in fact in the two weeks I've known him he doesn't go to church. I learned he was hurt in church, had a nervous breakdown and was a member of another church but seldom attended.
Here I was after being hurt by another guy who said he was a preacher then I meet another guy who is a preacher and again in hindsight I see simalarities in that neither have any fruit to show that they truly are ministers.
I rest on the word here in that you will know a tree by it's fruit, with this guy I saw known, never heard him talk of winning anyone to Christ and never heard him talk truly about when he accepted Jesus. It was like he was trying to always as I look it to have authority over he helping me.
What I have had revealed to me is these two guys who call themselves minsiters thought they were the ones out to help others but in essense it is I who was helping them in doing what I do by living what I changed the name of this blog to. MY SILENT WITNESS.
Pud and Eddie both come across as having authority to help others but both never give Jesus any credit and both have shown signs of evil spirits dwelling within them to me and that is where I come back to what I originally wrote here about the 700 club.
Upon reading something Pat Robertson wrote about a born again christian couldn't possibly be possessed by an evil spirit but yet through my experience with both these guys I had come to see within my spirit that these two guys could have such and it kind of scares me but I know God is my protector.
I found out Eddie has a mental disorder, he is on disability and he has panic attacks and the thing that cut me off from him which I did was on the last two days that we had contact he really went what you say crazy. I emailed him and prayed for him in such, his response was ok and he said that he did the work he was suppose to do and what he was doing worked, which was really confusing then five minutes later another message came through and in it he said that I was harassing him and this was the last email to me and that if I didn't leave him alone he would have me arrested for harassing him. Course I cut him off at that point but what he accussed me of, he had done from day one of the friendship, in fact that wasn't the last contact, he called a lot and I had a block put on both my cell and my home phone to keep him away. I took this as a serious threat and even had the prayer group pray about it.
I could share the miracle that God did with the prayer group in this but that is not my reason in sharing what I am sharing.
So here we have it Pud threaten to have me arrested for harassment and so did Eddie, both are preachers and Eddie even went as far to call the police. See Eddie kept calling me after this last email of his and he got through my blocks on my cell, it only blocks the call, technology hasn't progressed on cellphones to keep them from leaving voice mails.
I called Eddie back and left a message on his answering machine asking forgiveness if I hurt him cause I had him blocked on Facebook and had him banned from the prayer group cause I learned within my spirit so much about him personally and I had to protect the group as a whole as well for God has called me to watch over and protect the group. This is a flock of people HE gave me if that makes any sense.
I learned from others in the group that the HOLY SPIRIT had revealed to so many stuff about Eddie and stuff within the spiritual realm of it and the physical of it. I learned basically that this guy had the cabability of being dangerous and he did have the police pay me a visit, only I wasn't home but my wife was and the cop told her to tell me to leave this guy alone for he was unstable and could be dangerous.
It's funny how I have tried to get back in touch with the officer but he hasn't returned my calls since he came calling on my door when Eddie made his written threat in writing reality by calling the police cause I left him a voice mail. What Eddie didn't realize was that Eddie was doing what he was accusing me of and he responded to my message and this time he spoke with such authority say Hey Gary,this Pastor Eddie Wellmon etc... and he started judging me course I found out from a friend that Eddie had contacted her on facebook and was running me down the road and she took a stand and told him she would not listen to gossip.
I have never tried to come across as judging Eddie or Pud if anything I have tried to show the truth about them and have asked folks to pray for them, that is all.
What I have seen here, is Pud seems to have a religious spirit upon him and I see a Jezebel spirit within Eddie and if and only if this is the case could it be possible that neither have ever been saved. Is this possible and if so, does God want me to share Jesus with em. The true Jesus with em. I don't know, if he does then I said God you make a way cause at this point they both are my enemies and I say that in jest cause I have no enemies but to both of these men I am theirs for both show nothing but hate toward me.
See this brings me to ask a question of why. Why Lord? Why me? Why have I met two guys who claim to know you but don't know you.. What is my purpose in this? What is your plan for me in this? I know I am to pray but at times I don't know what to pray for. I can't bring myself to pray for punish on them for I think they know not what they do, I really think they don't but I know that if something confuses me that I go to the word of God and search and seek answer to that confusion.
I have been confused but I know God has a plan and I have lifted both these guys up to God, praying that the spirits I see are rebuked and bound and gone for both do not have the HOLY SPIRIT as I know within them. It isn't there for theirs fruits are not the fruits of the spirit.
I see a spirit of lies, of hate, of wrath, of fear, of guilt, of condemning and of jealousy so strong in both and so in sharing this, if anyone is reading this maybe you can help me understand this but I do know God has a perfect plan in all this for all things work together for those who love the Lord and are CALLED according to HIS purpse.
Gare - Posts: 49
- Location: USA
- Marital Status: Married
Re: My silent witness
Hello Gare ![Smile :)](./images/smilies/icon_smile.gif)
God bless you this day.
I'm sending up prayers to our Lord in the name of Jesus, on your behalf. May God's blessed and perfect will be done.
Gare, as you know, this walk is not without many trials and we are in a spiritual warfare. Satan is very crafty, very sly and he is a pro at it. We have The Holy Spirit, and Greater is He that is in me (and you), than he that is in the world. This does not mean we'll do everything perfectly, but, Praise God we have more than a fleeting chance of overcoming. Jesus is Lord and He has overcome and He is our Saviour. \o/ \o/ \o/
The enemy of our souls, Satan, will usually attack either through our vulnerabilities or through our vanities. Being that we still have this carnal flesh, we must seek the Lord daily, connect spirit to Spirit with The Holy Spirit and put on the full amour of God, daily. But, again, we will not be free of all trials and tribulations until we are with our Lord in Heaven. \o/ \o/ \o/
The Apostle Paul, in a letter to Timothy, warned him not to promote anyone too soon:
I Timothy 5:22 Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other men's sins: keep thyself pure.
What is good for the church as a group, is also good for us as individuals. We need to become fruit inspectors before we entrust them with all our vulnerabilities. Just because someone says they are a pastor or preacher or an apostle, does not mean they are. The proof is in the pudding...the fruit pudding.![Smile :)](./images/smilies/icon_smile.gif)
I Timothy 5:24-25 Some men's sins are open beforehand, going before to judgment; and some men they follow after. (25) Likewise also the good works of some are manifest beforehand; and they that are otherwise cannot be hid.
God will raise up some sheep to be shepherds to help in ministering to the babes in Christ, and to help bring in more souls to our Lord.
Acts 20:28 Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which He hath purchased with His own blood.
The shepherd's walk is a little different than a sheep's, in that shepherds should not burden the sheep with the shepherd's trials, but, instead, be an inspiration. So where does a shepherd go for inspiration? To God and to other shepherds. But, remember that Satan is surely going to be watching and baiting his traps there too. We often desire the company of like-minded people, and often seek to be around those that we believe to have the same blessed giftings and anointing from God. But, beware of the vanity spirit that the enemy of our souls frequently uses there. Eeeeuuuwwww!!!
And furthermore, beware of the temptation to rehash old, hurtful experiences, which can lead to conjuring up the old emotions that went with those hurtful experiences.
Hebrews 12:12-13 Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees; (13) And make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way; but let it rather be healed.
Our healing comes from The Lord, Himself.
In the book of James, we are given some blessed advice that I think will help you here.
James 3:1-2 My brethren, be not many masters (teachers), knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation. (2) For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect (complete) man, and able also to bridle the whole body.
Gare, as a shepherd, you will be faced with more condemnation from the enemy of our souls. Gear up! Put on the full armour of God -- don't leave home without it.![Smile :)](./images/smilies/icon_smile.gif)
God bless and keep you.
In Christ Jesus' love,
Sister Mack
![Smile :)](./images/smilies/icon_smile.gif)
God bless you this day.
I'm sending up prayers to our Lord in the name of Jesus, on your behalf. May God's blessed and perfect will be done.
Gare, as you know, this walk is not without many trials and we are in a spiritual warfare. Satan is very crafty, very sly and he is a pro at it. We have The Holy Spirit, and Greater is He that is in me (and you), than he that is in the world. This does not mean we'll do everything perfectly, but, Praise God we have more than a fleeting chance of overcoming. Jesus is Lord and He has overcome and He is our Saviour. \o/ \o/ \o/
The enemy of our souls, Satan, will usually attack either through our vulnerabilities or through our vanities. Being that we still have this carnal flesh, we must seek the Lord daily, connect spirit to Spirit with The Holy Spirit and put on the full amour of God, daily. But, again, we will not be free of all trials and tribulations until we are with our Lord in Heaven. \o/ \o/ \o/
The Apostle Paul, in a letter to Timothy, warned him not to promote anyone too soon:
I Timothy 5:22 Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other men's sins: keep thyself pure.
What is good for the church as a group, is also good for us as individuals. We need to become fruit inspectors before we entrust them with all our vulnerabilities. Just because someone says they are a pastor or preacher or an apostle, does not mean they are. The proof is in the pudding...the fruit pudding.
![Smile :)](./images/smilies/icon_smile.gif)
I Timothy 5:24-25 Some men's sins are open beforehand, going before to judgment; and some men they follow after. (25) Likewise also the good works of some are manifest beforehand; and they that are otherwise cannot be hid.
God will raise up some sheep to be shepherds to help in ministering to the babes in Christ, and to help bring in more souls to our Lord.
Acts 20:28 Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which He hath purchased with His own blood.
The shepherd's walk is a little different than a sheep's, in that shepherds should not burden the sheep with the shepherd's trials, but, instead, be an inspiration. So where does a shepherd go for inspiration? To God and to other shepherds. But, remember that Satan is surely going to be watching and baiting his traps there too. We often desire the company of like-minded people, and often seek to be around those that we believe to have the same blessed giftings and anointing from God. But, beware of the vanity spirit that the enemy of our souls frequently uses there. Eeeeuuuwwww!!!
And furthermore, beware of the temptation to rehash old, hurtful experiences, which can lead to conjuring up the old emotions that went with those hurtful experiences.
Hebrews 12:12-13 Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees; (13) And make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way; but let it rather be healed.
Our healing comes from The Lord, Himself.
In the book of James, we are given some blessed advice that I think will help you here.
James 3:1-2 My brethren, be not many masters (teachers), knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation. (2) For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect (complete) man, and able also to bridle the whole body.
Gare, as a shepherd, you will be faced with more condemnation from the enemy of our souls. Gear up! Put on the full armour of God -- don't leave home without it.
![Smile :)](./images/smilies/icon_smile.gif)
God bless and keep you.
In Christ Jesus' love,
Sister Mack
Mackenaw - Posts: 2414
- Location: NY
- Marital Status: Married
Re: My silent witness
Thank you for these words of encouragement here and thank you Lord for my sister here in coming to me with nothing more than your words to speak and penetrate my heart to serve you better in the calling you've place on my life. Love ya Sister Mack and I pray God send a blessing to you as HE has me from what you shared here with me.
Gare - Posts: 49
- Location: USA
- Marital Status: Married
Re: My silent witness
Haven't been here in a while and I guess I've needed to be. I am sort of distraught again in my life. My mom is sick again and the holidays keep me busy in my job so much till I can't find time to even think of celebrating like I use to do.
I need prayer cause I am very down these days. I am looking at my circumstances and all I have been through and I wonder why again. Why I have had to go through the hardships I have gone through and why I have been hurt as bad as I have.
Why the end result is that two guys who hurt me so bad now hate me when if I did anything wrong then I need to be showed in my heart how to fix it.
This burdens me and I don't understand why.
I need prayer cause I am very down these days. I am looking at my circumstances and all I have been through and I wonder why again. Why I have had to go through the hardships I have gone through and why I have been hurt as bad as I have.
Why the end result is that two guys who hurt me so bad now hate me when if I did anything wrong then I need to be showed in my heart how to fix it.
This burdens me and I don't understand why.
Gare - Posts: 49
- Location: USA
- Marital Status: Married
Re: My silent witness
Gare wrote: I am looking at my circumstances and all I have been through and I wonder why again. Why I have had to go through the hardships I have gone through and why I have been hurt as bad as I have.
I have often asked the same question. I think I finally am seeing a reason why it all was allowed. So I'd like to encourage you to keep faith that there is a reason and it's will be well worth the pain you suffered. No matter what just keep faith in Him.
![BigHug *hug*](./images/smilies/BigHug.gif)
![Angel7 *angel7*](./images/smilies/angel7.gif)
Dora - Posts: 3759
- Location: In Gods Hands
- Marital Status: Married
Re: My silent witness
Lord God in Heaven,
I come to you now thanking you and praising you that you hear my prayers and that you know my heart like no one else does. You know my fears, you know my heartache and I am thankful that I have you to face this world of uncertainty.
Lord, you know how I feel about the Christmas season, to so many it's a happy time, for me it isn't, it is always bombarded with unhappy memories from the past and yet I know I don't live in the past but it's from the past that i have learned from you.
Lord, my heart is heavy. I don't understand why through all I've done enemies have come out of this to hurt me and Lord if I have hurt them in any way please Lord open up a door for me to fix that hurt with them and resolve it. Lord I watched how as I went to visit mom and was stopped in the dining room by so many of the residents that love me and how my friend whom I will always call my friend for I throw no one away just as you do Lord, you never threw me away and I can't threw my friend away but it hurt Lord to see him leave the room I was in cause I was in it. The hate radiated out of him and yet he calls himself a preacher, a minister at that and yet he has done nothing but radiate hate to me.
It bothers me Lord as what I see is he is justified within himself to behave the way he does. Lord I pray you do your work on his heart Lord. It would make me jump for joy to have him come and to me and try to make this ok for I am scared to say anything to him Lord. I truly am at this point and I hate it had to come to this. This is the question of why I have.
I also have to wonder why with the other preacher I met and how he has now formed a church on Facebook and added friends, I saw his jealousy Lord over the prayer group but now he has used his group to slander me and slander the prayer group.
Lord these two guys have hurt me and yet I know they have hurt you more. I pray for your mercy upon them and upon me, whereas you convict my heart Lord, I pray you convict them as well Lord. Soften their hurts to know the truth and bring them to an understanding of what they have done to you.
Lord I don't know what to pray for in this situation with both these guys but I pray that your Holy Spirit guide me into knowing what to pray for.
Love you Lord and I ask you forgive me of any sins I have committed and not lifted up to you and Lord I pray that you help me in forgiving and forgetting and moving on. Lord will you remove the hurt in my heart over this.
In Jesus name , Amen
I come to you now thanking you and praising you that you hear my prayers and that you know my heart like no one else does. You know my fears, you know my heartache and I am thankful that I have you to face this world of uncertainty.
Lord, you know how I feel about the Christmas season, to so many it's a happy time, for me it isn't, it is always bombarded with unhappy memories from the past and yet I know I don't live in the past but it's from the past that i have learned from you.
Lord, my heart is heavy. I don't understand why through all I've done enemies have come out of this to hurt me and Lord if I have hurt them in any way please Lord open up a door for me to fix that hurt with them and resolve it. Lord I watched how as I went to visit mom and was stopped in the dining room by so many of the residents that love me and how my friend whom I will always call my friend for I throw no one away just as you do Lord, you never threw me away and I can't threw my friend away but it hurt Lord to see him leave the room I was in cause I was in it. The hate radiated out of him and yet he calls himself a preacher, a minister at that and yet he has done nothing but radiate hate to me.
It bothers me Lord as what I see is he is justified within himself to behave the way he does. Lord I pray you do your work on his heart Lord. It would make me jump for joy to have him come and to me and try to make this ok for I am scared to say anything to him Lord. I truly am at this point and I hate it had to come to this. This is the question of why I have.
I also have to wonder why with the other preacher I met and how he has now formed a church on Facebook and added friends, I saw his jealousy Lord over the prayer group but now he has used his group to slander me and slander the prayer group.
Lord these two guys have hurt me and yet I know they have hurt you more. I pray for your mercy upon them and upon me, whereas you convict my heart Lord, I pray you convict them as well Lord. Soften their hurts to know the truth and bring them to an understanding of what they have done to you.
Lord I don't know what to pray for in this situation with both these guys but I pray that your Holy Spirit guide me into knowing what to pray for.
Love you Lord and I ask you forgive me of any sins I have committed and not lifted up to you and Lord I pray that you help me in forgiving and forgetting and moving on. Lord will you remove the hurt in my heart over this.
In Jesus name , Amen
Gare - Posts: 49
- Location: USA
- Marital Status: Married
Re: My silent witness
Matthew 17:20
Verily I say unto you, IF ye have FAITH as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.
I truly feel at this point with me that this is my greatest challenge. Having faith, reckon I'm looking at the past too much and I want this time to be different for me. I came to this website for help and I've gotten some help but my problem, my silent problem still exist and the temptation and the things of this world are still there, should I go through the counseling session again, I don't know. Am really tired of nothing but bad things happening in my world but I know bad things happen to all people and that God helps us in seeking HIM in all things.
I don't know where to turn except up at this point and that up is to Jesus.
Verily I say unto you, IF ye have FAITH as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.
I truly feel at this point with me that this is my greatest challenge. Having faith, reckon I'm looking at the past too much and I want this time to be different for me. I came to this website for help and I've gotten some help but my problem, my silent problem still exist and the temptation and the things of this world are still there, should I go through the counseling session again, I don't know. Am really tired of nothing but bad things happening in my world but I know bad things happen to all people and that God helps us in seeking HIM in all things.
I don't know where to turn except up at this point and that up is to Jesus.
Gare - Posts: 49
- Location: USA
- Marital Status: Married
Re: My silent witness
Feel led to share an experience that happened to me recently.
At work, my and a coworker went outside for a break. I am a smoker and I know I shouldn't smoke but that's beside the point here in my walk with Jesus. That is not what this is about.
The two of us were outside and a man approached us. I saw him get out of his car with his daughter, he was hispanic and was dressed nice, I noticed him right off cause of an unusual facial feature he hand and I didn't want it to appear that I was staring at him. He looked toward me as he was walking into the store and then he proceeded to come over to us.
We were sitting down on a bench and he stood directly in front of us, standing straight as if he had something very important to say. In his accent he spoke and started off by saying "Jesus is the answer" and the both us said we so agreed with him and then he proceeded to speak further.
He said that He can deliver you from the nicotine that you desire and I don't really remember anymore that he said for within my spirit two verses were coming to mind and I know but I know that Holy Spirit said for me to speak to this man.
When he was finished talking I stood up and I said, well sir, since you brought up Jesus then you should know there is no condemnation in Christ and judge not be ye judged. I said sir, you got out of your car, saw us here smoking and proceeded to come over here and inflict your opinion on us. I said I am sorry but I don't appreciate this, this is wrong on your part and invasion of my rights and I'd appreciate it if you would move on.
His eyes got very big and he said no more, he was silenced after what I said, don't think he knew what to say. I just know that what I said was what I was suppose to say to him. I didn't judge him but I did feel the spirit for whatever reason meant for me to say what I said to him and the spirit brought him over to us for him to do his so called presentation like he was a street corner preacher.
When he left us, my friend said to me, get down Gary with your bad self. I said "Debra, I just knew I was to say what I said to this man, that is all, he was judging us and you can't judge a book by it's cover."
Gare - Posts: 49
- Location: USA
- Marital Status: Married
Re: My silent witness
I have been very busy these days but recently I started a bible study on a site for healing and this site is the site I need to overcome what I started out on this site as calling my silent problem but through have realized that I have been silent in my witness for Jesus for years. I do appreciate how this site has ministered to me and lifted up my spirit here and I wish I could support this ministry like on a monthly basis of sorts course it truly is the people here that are doing the Lord's work.
My days these days are busy at work, there are some changes going on at work and I am apprehensive about it but yet I feel good in being told what I do is secure but yet going forward I haven't really been told when this is gonna take place officially, it's like a wait and see sort of thing for me but I am waiting for I know God gave the job I have and only He can take it away.
I still get up early and I still post a daily devotion in the prayer group and I am truly amazed at the work God is doing with that "little" website.
We are a prayer group online and prayers are posted online in writing and unlike a prayer meeting in church, this site to me is where our spirits are entwined together as one reads a post. It's at that moment that the prayer in my heart is being lifted up as I read the post, God hears my heart then and maybe there is power in that but I know what I know and I know God is moving amongst this group of people from different parts of the country and the world.
I just am posting here my thoughts at the moment, I truly feel somewhat healed from my "silent" problem in that for me it is living one's live totally committed to Jesus in all that you do. If he is the center of your life then there is no room for the sinfulness to creep in if that makes sense. God is good all the time.
Someone in this group said to me, Gare if you keep serving the Lord with singing, etc... you will be healed and you know that is the key. God is good all the time.
Love all you guys here on the site and I am truly glad that I am part of it for we all are a part of the body of Christ, all doing different things in our walk but all working together for HIM. Amen and amen
My days these days are busy at work, there are some changes going on at work and I am apprehensive about it but yet I feel good in being told what I do is secure but yet going forward I haven't really been told when this is gonna take place officially, it's like a wait and see sort of thing for me but I am waiting for I know God gave the job I have and only He can take it away.
I still get up early and I still post a daily devotion in the prayer group and I am truly amazed at the work God is doing with that "little" website.
We are a prayer group online and prayers are posted online in writing and unlike a prayer meeting in church, this site to me is where our spirits are entwined together as one reads a post. It's at that moment that the prayer in my heart is being lifted up as I read the post, God hears my heart then and maybe there is power in that but I know what I know and I know God is moving amongst this group of people from different parts of the country and the world.
I just am posting here my thoughts at the moment, I truly feel somewhat healed from my "silent" problem in that for me it is living one's live totally committed to Jesus in all that you do. If he is the center of your life then there is no room for the sinfulness to creep in if that makes sense. God is good all the time.
Someone in this group said to me, Gare if you keep serving the Lord with singing, etc... you will be healed and you know that is the key. God is good all the time.
Love all you guys here on the site and I am truly glad that I am part of it for we all are a part of the body of Christ, all doing different things in our walk but all working together for HIM. Amen and amen
Gare - Posts: 49
- Location: USA
- Marital Status: Married
Re: My silent witness
dearest brother,
I imagine you think God had you posting this just for your own healing but I am here to tell you He has other reasons as well, you see your post has reminded me, yes I still struggle and no I am not where I need to be but I AM HERE with people like you and some others here that keep reaching out to the lost hurting ones that struggle to become as He created us to be instead of the filthiness of this earth that satan continues to turn darker by the day.
This site and the people here are more of what our Lord wants of us than any church I have EVER attended.
May God bless you Gare and the others here as well.
I imagine you think God had you posting this just for your own healing but I am here to tell you He has other reasons as well, you see your post has reminded me, yes I still struggle and no I am not where I need to be but I AM HERE with people like you and some others here that keep reaching out to the lost hurting ones that struggle to become as He created us to be instead of the filthiness of this earth that satan continues to turn darker by the day.
This site and the people here are more of what our Lord wants of us than any church I have EVER attended.
May God bless you Gare and the others here as well.
![BigHug *hug*](./images/smilies/BigHug.gif)
Christnundrconstruxn - Posts: 712
- Location: Ohio
- Marital Status: Divorced
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