Are You Freaking Out?

Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.

Are You Freaking Out?

Postby logi bear » Thu Dec 29, 2011 2:30 pm

Another devotional from my Church, (yes i have permission to post this). : )

Are You Freaking Out?
December 12th, 2011

Genesis 15:1 says: After these things the word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision, saying, “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward.” We find the words “Fear not” or “be not afraid” over 180 times in Scripture. How many of you are afraid at times? This life is scary. There are many things that cause us to be fearful. Well there’s nothing new under the sun. In the Old Testament and in the New Testament we are told to fear not. The Father of our Faith, Abraham, was told to, “Fear not.” Have you ever talked yourself into a panic? You become so overwhelmed with your own thoughts—the things that you can see, that before you know it, you are breathing into a brown paper bag.

Here, in Genesis 15, we find Abram freaking out. So much so that the Lord appears to him in a vision and tells him to not be afraid. Then the Lord says such powerful words. He says, “I am your shield and your exceedingly great reward.” God is saying to Abram that He is going to protect him and provide for him. What a great promise of God. Listen! As children of Abraham, God would say to His church—to us, the same thing. He is our shield. He will protect us. He is our reward. He will provide for us. Don’t look to be rewarded of the things of this world. They are just temporary. Moth and rust will destroy them. God says, I will reward you and bless you. I have great things in store for you that no one nor anything can hold a candlestick to! God is that very thing that we need in this life. He has great blessing in store.

In Genesis 15:2, Abram responds and says, “Lord, what are you going to give me, seeing that I go childless?” Maybe Abram was thinking that his time on this planet was almost over and he’s childless. He was doubting God’s promise. Has that happened to you? You know the Lord spoke something to you—ministered to your heart about something. You wrote it in your prayer journal or your Bible. A little time passes, and you begin to doubt. You start to figure your own way because you are sick of waiting.

God’s delays are not God’s denials. He may be delaying something but that does not mean He is denying something. His timing is not our timing. Or rather, our timing is not aligned with His timing. We can so relate to Abram, can’t we? He was a regular man like you and me. These things are in the Word for our own admonition, that the Lord would encourage us and remind us of His great faithfulness. Even when we are faithless, as Abram was at this moment. Even when we are struggling with unbelief, the Lord ministers to us and blesses us. He loves to bless us. And we immediately are sorry for not believing Him—not resting in Him. We so easily walk by sight and not by faith.

God always wants to minister to you. He shows up, even in our unbelief and lack of faith and believing. And when He does that, we are just humbled. The place of solitude, many times, is the place of revelation. The place of solitude, so often, is the place where He cultivates our relationship with Him. God pulls us away from the crowd and the noise. We need to get away from all the technology that today has to offer, and listen for His voice. When you are doubting, separate yourself from all of it. Get a grip. Don’t focus on what you can see. Don’t listen to everyone around you. Tune in to the Holy Spirit. Get up early and get in the Word. He has something to show you. Don’t look at the circumstances. Don’t grow weary. The battle is hard. We need to get away and be refreshed by the Lord.

In Genesis 15:6, we see that Abram believed in the Lord. And the Lord counted it to him for righteousness. Our righteousness is in Jesus. If you’ve messed up or blown it this week, you are righteous through Jesus Christ. Abram believed God’s promise to Him, Not because Abram was perfect. Not because he was always a man of faith. But because he believed in God’s promise—he believed in the seed. In Jesus Christ is the only way we can be right-on with the Father. Jesus is our righteousness. We forget this and start to think that only when we behave do we have a right relationship with the Lord. It’s Jesus who makes us righteous. The King of Righteousness has our back. What a comfort. It gives us great courage to press on in Him.

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logi bear
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Re: Are You Freaking Out?

Postby ServeGod » Fri Jan 06, 2012 5:33 am

Thank- you Logi, and thank the pastor for permitting you to post this. Really enjoyed both posts (other on patience).
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Re: Are You Freaking Out?

Postby logi bear » Sat Jan 07, 2012 3:45 pm

I will, but due to my dysautonomia, i am very sensitive to light, sound, smells, temperature changes, touch, ect... I don't get to go to church much, except rarely during they day when the church is empty...
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logi bear
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Re: Are You Freaking Out?

Postby ServeGod » Sun Jan 08, 2012 6:06 am

Well we are blessed that the lord is using you in this wonderful church here at the Oasis.
May the lord comfort your heart and establish you in every good word and work.
May he keep you blessed, and may his time of complete healing come soon. In the name of Jesus, we trust and have faith in you Lord.
To shine in one light.
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