I can't take it anymore!!!

This forum is for those souls 18 years and older who are dealing with some type of addictive behavior whether it be from alcohol, drugs, overeating, fear, worry, sex, etc. Only with help and guidance from God can we ever hope to overcome these addictions. What is impossible for us to do IS POSSIBLE with God. Friends and family of those stricken with addictions are welcome to share as this problem affects more than just the soul entangled in its web.

I can't take it anymore!!!

Postby calebsmom77 » Tue Jun 14, 2011 11:01 pm

I can't take this hurt, this pain anymore!!! Everything within me SCREAMS for someone to just take this pain inside from me! GOD, I AM BEGGING YOU, PLEASE JUST MAKE IT GO AWAY!! Why can I not for just once in my meaningless life feel like I am somebody? Why can't I feel like I am worthy to be loved by someone? Is this really and truly what life was meant to be like? If it is, then God get me out of here!!! I am tired of just trying to survive from one moment to the next!
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Re: I can't take it anymore!!!

Postby jayney » Wed Jun 15, 2011 12:57 am

HI Calebsmom,
I am so sorry that everything is so painful for you. God loves you. I have been going through some really painful stuff and I keep praying, coming on here and reminding myself that God loves me.
I don't know anything about your life but do you have someone you can talk to? Do you have a church you can go to?
I am sending prayers up for you and hope that this terrible time soon passes.
With love,
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Re: I can't take it anymore!!!

Postby humblevisitor » Wed Jun 15, 2011 9:17 am


All I can think to do is remind you of the truth. Sometimes I am finding it is just going on one moment at a time and reminding myself of some basic truth.

Your life is not meaningless...God does not create without purpose and meaning

You are somebody...your one of God's precious children.

God loves you and YOU ARE WORTHY of it simply because its He who loves you. And many other reasons too.

This is NOT what life was meant to be like...another lie of the enemy !!!

"Resist the devil and he will FLEE from you.....Draw near to God and HE WILL DRAW NEAR TO YOU!!!"

Remind your self of these things often. I know that when your hurting and people say these things it sounds like just words. But if you get out your Bible and search on these things for yourself, you will see that these TRUE things come from the Word of God.

Praying for your relief and His healing :)
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Re: I can't take it anymore!!!

Postby Dora » Wed Jun 15, 2011 10:58 am

I am sorry you are hurting.

I don't know what is going on to cause you such pain. I do know like our brother humblevisitor said life has meaning and purpose and you are loved greatly. All this through our Heavenly Father who is willing to sit with you through this and prepare a better way. He is grieving over you now.

In Psalms David called out to God often like you have. But David knew the key to an uplifted spirit. Praise. Now that you've called on God and asked Him to make things better begin to praise Him for working in your life and preparing a better way. Praise Him for freeing you from your enemies. For all the things in your life that is wonderful. There were times I felt there wasn't anything to praise Him for. And a bird flew near and began to sing a pretty song. I praise Him for the bird. A gentle breeze blew and the leaves on the trees ruffled, what a lovely sight. I praised Him for it. Point is, when there seems to be nothing to praise for look harder.

Lots of good advice here from jayney and humblevisitor. And lots of love and prayers. May you feel His presence and comfort. I pray you are feeling better soon. God loves yo
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Re: I can't take it anymore!!!

Postby Tam » Wed Jun 15, 2011 11:08 am

Yes life is hard, Yes it throws us cover balls and it hurts. When we want to give up that is when HE is standing right there taking the reigns. If seems when we hit the point of giving up that we are really ready to let go and let HIM have it all.
You are somebody, You are Loved, you are needed, you are wanted, you are important. What people say you are does not define you. What HE says you are is all that is importart. He says you are all these things. Focus on the things He says about you and all the other things will soon fade away.
Keepin you in prayers sis. Keep your eyes focused on the Father above.
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