Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Sun Jan 10, 2010 5:13 pm

January 10


Hebrews 11:32-40

We are surrounded
by so great a cloud of
__Hebrews 11:32-40

Along the old Oregon Trail in Idaho there is a marker--a giant lava boulder known locally as Register Rock. It's located in an area which was one of the favorite overnight camping areas fro westbound immigrants who traveled the trail in the 19th century.

Travelers often inscribed their names on the rock as a memorial to their passage. Register Rock stands as a monument to their courage and tenacity.

When I think of Register Rock, I think of other pilgrims who have passed by us on their journey. Hebrews 11 lists some of those hardy souls--Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephtah, David, and Samuel, to name a few.

But there are other more recent pilgrims: my mother and father, my fifth-grade Sunday school teacher Mrs. Lincoln, my youth leader John Richards, my mentors Ray Stedman and Howard Hendricks, and a host of others I could name. They may not have inscribed their names on rocks, but they're written in memory.

The author of Hebrews reminds us to remember "pilgrims" who have gone before us, especially those "who have spoken the word of God" to us and to consider "the outcome of their conduct" (Heb. 13:7). And, most important, he encourages us to follow their faith. __David Roper

```````````````````The paths of leadership are trod```````````````
``````````````````By those who fix their eyes on God;`````````````
``````````````````Their steadfast spirit points the way`````````````
````````````````For us to follow day by day. __D. De Haan``````````

People who follow Christ
lead others in the right direction.

*************Today's Bible Reading __ Hebrews 11:32-40**********

32 And what more shall I
say? For the time would fail
me to tell of Gideon and
Barak and Samson and
Jephthah, also of David and
Samuel and the prophets:

33 who through faith
subdued kingdoms, worked
righteousness, obtained
promises, stopped the
mouths of lions,

34 quenched the violence of
fire, escaped the edge of the
sword, out of weakness
were made strong, became
valiant in battle, turned to
flight the armies of the
aliens. 35 Women received
their dead raised to life

Others were tortured, not
accepting deliverance, that
they might obtain a better
resurrection. 36 still others
had trial of mockings and
scourgings, yes, and of
chains and imprisonment.

37 They were stoned, they
were sawn in two, were
tempted, were slain with the
sword. They wandered
about in sheepskins and
goatskins, being destitute,
afflicted, tormented-- 38 of
whom the world was not
worthy. They wandered in
deserts and mountains, in
dens and caves of the earth.

39 And all these, having
obtained a god testimony
through faith, did not
receive the promise, 40 God
having provided something
better for us, that they
should not be made perfect
apart from us.


The record of the sufferings of the faithful in Hebrews 11 reminds
us of two things--the faith of these men and women who endured
much because of their devotion to God, and the fact that none of
that suffering was forgotten by our God. One the contrary, they are
remembered and honored for their devotion. __BILL CROWDER
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Postby mlg » Sun Jan 10, 2010 5:18 pm

Cimi as I read this I couldn't help but think how we often think we are the first to suffer a trial or tribulation...but all the souls who came before us suffered as well...it's not really about the suffering though...it's more about the endurance...and we can learn from all those pilgrims before us who endured well...and fought the good fight of faith.

Thanks for sharing sis.

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thanks mlg.

Postby cimi » Mon Jan 11, 2010 1:23 am

Yep. Sometimes it seems that what I'm going through is harder than your everyday stuff though. Of course, being sawed in two and living among rocks sounds really tuff but. Sometimes I think I'd rather be living among rocks than in this society where every little look matters.
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Postby mlg » Mon Jan 11, 2010 8:16 am

The pressures that society places on people is definitely a heavy weight. You'd think by now people wouldn't place such "high standards" on everything but they do...but we always have the promsie that one day this world will pass away and everything will be set anew...pressures gone...and peace will reign.

luv ya
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