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Postby cimi » Sun Dec 13, 2009 4:40 pm

December 11


Luke 22:54-62

My husband, a self-proclaimed computer illiterate, purchased a computer to help him with his business. After giving him a few pointers, I left him alone to do some experimenting. It wasn't long, however, before I heard a slightly panicked voice from the office: "Hey, where's that 'uh-oh' button?"

What he had been looking for, of course, was the "undo" key that lets you backtrack when you've made a mistake. Have you ever wished for one of those in life? A provision to reverse, repair, or restore what's been broken or damaged by sin?

After Jesus' arrest, Peter, one of His beloved disciples, denied three times that he knew Him. Then, we read, "the Lord turned" and simply "looked at him. Peter "went our and wept bitterly" (Luke 22:61-62). His tears were most likely tears of shame and repentance. No doubt he wished he could undo his actions. But Peter wasn't left in his misery. After Jesus' resurrection, He restored Peter, giving him opportunity to reaffirm his love (John 21:15-17).

When you sorrow over sin in your life, remember that God has provided a method of restoration. "If we confess our sins," He will "forgive us" and "cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (1 John 1:9). __Cindy Hess Kasper

`````````````````We're thankful, Lord, that when we fall````````````
``````````````````````````We can begin anew```````````````````
``````````````````````If humbly we confess our sin,``````````````
````````````````````Then turn and follow You. __Sper`````````````

The way back to God begins with a broken heart.

**************Today's Bible Reading __ Luke 22:54-62************

54 Having arrested Him,
they led Him and brought
Him into the high priest's
house. But Peter followed at
a distance. 55 Now when
they had kindled a fire in
the midst of the courtyard
and sat down together, Peter
sat among them. 56 And a
certain servant girl, seeing
him as he sat by the fire,
looked intently at him and
said, "This man was also
with Him."

57 But he denied Him.
saying, "Woman, I do not
now Him."

58 And after a little while
another saw him and said,
"You also are of them."

But Peter said, "Man,
I am not!"

59 Then after about an hour
had passed, another
confidently affirmed,
saying, "Surely this fellow
also was with Him, for he is
a Galilean."

60 But Peter said, "Man, I
do not know what you are
saying!" Immediately, while
he was still speaking,the
rooster crowed. 61 And the
Lord turned and looked at
Peter. Then Peter
remembered the word of the
Lord, how He had said to
him, "Before the rooster
crows, you will deny Me
three times." 62 So Peter
went out and wept bitterly.


"Surely this fellow also was with Him, for he is a Galilean" (v.59).
A parallel passage in Matthew reveals that Peter's accent indicated
that he, like Jesus, was from Galilee. "Surely you also are one of
them for your speech betrays you" (Matt. 26:73). Galilean accents
differed from Judean accents. __DENNIS FISHER

____Adapted from IVP Bible Background Commentary
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