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How did you find Christianity Oasis?

PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 7:11 pm
by phantomfaith
Hi all and so glad you are here. We were curious as to how that you found the Christianity Oasis web site. Please take a second to vote in this poll and explain also in a reply anything else you would like to. Thank you and God Bless you all

How many years has it been...

PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 7:27 pm
by Ditto
WOW!!! Okie Dokie, Pizzaman...if you recall, you guys had several AOL chatrooms, set when folks came in and looked at YOUR profile, they would have the link here to the Oasis...I went into one of these chatrooms and met Phantomfaith, under a different name than...which I believe was ChristiansOasis...than the next day, Oasis found me...on aol, it's pretty easy to search someone out...Well, I have been here ever since...I think it's been a lil over 4 yrs, but it seems like sooo much longer to me...



PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 7:36 pm
by stargazer777
The Holy Spirit used my best friend Jesus_freak to bring me to Oasis.
She talked REALLY good about Oey in skewl NONSTOP lol
I saw the Holy Ghost Fire burning in her in an amazing way -He shines so bright in her.
I member she talked about everything here on Oasis,
I was really anxious to meet you guys,
as soon as my mom let me go into chat we were dancing like crazy,
that was an AMAZING day. Ya'll made me feel so welcomed. Love u guyz. The Holy Spirit moves in Oasis and my family here.

What a Find !!!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 7:40 pm
by Christianity Oasis
Four years of being blessed with such a special friend as you.

God sure does spoil us.

Luv ya more

PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 8:42 am
by susidivah
I belong to a Christian recovery website as well and Real found me over there a little over a month ago. I was in a meeting and he told us about Oasis. Well, figuring I can always use as much Christian support and resources as possible I ventured over this way for Real Solutions one night. And have never left, praise God :)


PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 12:46 pm
by Sandy79
I was at a low point in my life at the time. I was alone alot. I wanted to be able to just talk with someone if I needed to. I didn't feel comfortable being in other chat rooms, so I did a search for christian chat rooms. Several came up, but something, or someone (God) pulled me toward Oasis. Now, not only do I have people that I can talk with when I need to, I have another family! Praise God! :)

PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 1:37 pm
by storm
i found it by accident , iwas looking for pictures of palm trees to email to a friend


PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 2:58 pm
by dubya
Hi everybody,

Well I have know for a long time that the work God had instore for me was to be done on the internet. I have tried a few chat rooms but none of them could fire up that passion with me. So l did a search on yahoo one night and found christianity oasis. I thought what did i have to loose so i tried it out. Well that was January 3 2007 and I am still here, I have learned so much since i have been here. God has enaabled me to do so much for him while here. I intend to do so much more as the lord leads, i will continue to do the work of lord until i reach the place where he wants me. God bless all of my Oasis family -warrior-

PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 3:06 pm
by Mother_Tres
Hey everyone :)

Well prayerwarrior found it first, like he said. Then he was telling me about it and how he meet alot of really cool people. He was talking about Mack, Zoo, Lizzie, and Kim like none other. Those were the four that caught his attention. Then of course he got to speak to Oasis and Phan. Then I could not take it anymore, I had thought if it will keep him quiet I will go to it. I had been chatroom bruised you could say. So the first day I meet Kim and Lizzie and Mack. Then I thought ok this is cool. I have learned and am still learning alot and I thank God for bringing us here. GBU all YIC Tres

PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 9:19 pm
by phantomfaith
Such a Blessing it is to be in the Family of God. I thank God for meeting all of you and am encouraged daily by reading what you all have to say here. Thank You Jesus for all of my family here :)
Love you all


PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 12:34 pm
by realtmg
God led me here. That's all I can say other than this place has blessed my life. Thank You Jesus. Amen. Real *harp*

Finding Christianity Oasis chat rooms

PostPosted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 5:30 pm
by Sassy3
It is hard to think of life without COOL, but in the spring of 2005 the Christian chat room to which I turned for fellowship, closed. Oasis and Phantom came to the rescue by opening this chat room for the wandering sheep with no sheepfold. The Lord led those two to provide a haven for people like me. I am so thankful that the Lord then led me here. A former chatter from Deer Lake told me about the "new" room and I rushed right over, never to depart.