How did you find Christianity Oasis?

This forum is for those who seek to share their various Testimonies, Memorials and life experiences so that others can see the awesome impact that Jesus Christ has made in their life. Share the seeds of TRUTH that you have obtained from past experiences with others as to prevent your fellow Christian brothers and sisters from falling into the same traps that you did. Otherwise ... The experience was for nought.

How did you find Christianity Oasis?

Someone told me about it
I found a link on another website
I found it while searching thru a search engine. (Google, Yahoo, MSN etc)
Total votes : 137

Postby --- » Sat Jul 05, 2008 7:00 pm

I was looking for a Christian chat room for my two teens, and discovered Oasis for myself.

God provided for my teens with something else, however, God brought me to something I was seeking and did not realize was available.

Been coming ever since.
Thank You Lord. *hug*
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Postby momof3 » Sun Jul 13, 2008 2:15 am

*BigGrin* Floflo told me about it...........said i should come in and see whats happening and kept sending me messages that so and so said hi...and come in......and thank the Lord, He knew this place and these people were who I needed in my life......the love, the ministry, the fellowship that takes place.........He sure knows how to bring His sheep together and show us how true a family we are. *harp*
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thanks God

Postby sweetlittleangel » Sun Jul 13, 2008 8:56 am

First of all i want to thanks God that He has led me here in His own extraordinary way...Its a blessing to be here with Oasis family...well, I found this website through other website which is ( if im allowed to mention it ) so when i was chatting there, i met someone who is a christian guy and he was a preacher (with this username eman_the_preacher)... so i told him i was looking for any christian chatroom that is genuinely praising n worship God.. so he had introduced me with Oasis website..and now here I am.. giving this testimony..amen! All for God's glory..
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Postby HabibiJesus » Fri Feb 20, 2009 4:38 pm

I have onlt been here for months but it seems I'v known Oasis chat my whole life. I was going to other chat rooms that was suppose to be for teens only. the site had different rooms and at the bottom a christan room. It was a bad idea to go in their! i found myself fighting over gods word and when i did i just kept getting depressed over it. people out their really knew how to turn things around and mouth god word. the way i seen it was the room was more for people to mock god and put christans that went their down. i went out to search for a new and cleaner chat room. when i seen Oasis i just thought it was like any other chat room with those mean people but i just had to take a peek. O.O Oasis is not like other chat rooms!!! Oasis is different it is here for a reason!! members of this site has become part of my life. the site is what helped me with my walk with jesus. being at that other site i ended up on sites that crashed my faith. Oasis fixes broken hearts and souls. I believe oasis has a touch of gods word in everything that goes on around here. After finding oasis i did go back to the other site to ask for them to deleat my profile. they wouldn't do it so i got myself banned from their which was funny. GOD BLESSED O AND PHANTOM AND HELPED THEM MAKE OASIS THE BEST FAMILY AND SITE U CAN LEAN ON!
thanks O and phantom u two rock! gbu!!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
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Postby pineapple-lump555 » Thu Jul 16, 2009 10:52 pm

i found this site on google looking for christian game sites. For the first 4 or so months, i just looked at the teen newsletter and all the studies and the other stuff you don't need to be a member to do. Nearing the end of last month, i finally became a member, and haven't regretted it for one second. You guys are soooo awesome. Thank you
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Postby deetu » Mon Aug 17, 2009 11:18 pm

I was looking for a site that had private rooms so my friends and I could do a study, Catching a Thief by Patricia King.
We don't live close so God brought it to my mind that the internet would be a way to go.

Well, as you can imagine, there are some really weird sites out there. I quickly found out that Christian and Religion are not the same thing. Some of that new age stuff...shudder. Anyway, I kept searching and searching, into the night.

I usually don't have AIM on so when my sister (who lives in a different time zone) popped on asking me what I was doing up so late, I told her I was looking for a site and not having any luck. (she was going to do the study too) So she said a simple prayer, asking the Lord to show me a good site within the next few minutes, then said "good night" and left.
I did another search, asking the same thing and Oasis shows up. It never showed up before that, not once.
So here I am.

Out of the six of us that were going to do the study, a couple of us met a few times but I was the only one who stayed.
Do you think God had this planned all along? *Whistle*
I love it here.
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Postby smalltowngirl743 » Wed Aug 26, 2009 3:10 pm

It is so strange to I believe that God led me here.

I found Oasis one night while searching the engines for Christian chat. I didn't want to go into a secular chat room because I know how bad those rooms can be.

The first Christian chat room that I came across, turned out not to be Christian at all. The first image I saw, was a photo of a woman's you-know-what. It was disgusting. So I went back to the search engine, and saw the link for Oasis, and tried it.

Wow, what a big difference! I have never in my life been in such a clean chat room. I couldn't believe it. I have been a member for about a week now, and so much has happened that it seems longer. I have about two dozen friends now, and all of them are godly and upright Christians. I am so happy to have loving friends of all ages and gender to have fun with and to encourage one another in the Lord.

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Postby Guest » Sat Aug 29, 2009 11:51 pm

I too was just searching for christian chat rooms. I was frustrated because most of what I found wasn't very christian. Then I stumbled upon this one and it was awesome. Well, really the Lord led me here. This site blesses so many lives in so many ways. God planned this place to do great things and it is.
I've felt nothing but acceptance, love and support from the people here. You're all so great and I love you so much. Even when I wasn't on here for a long time, I never forgot about it and the people and couldn't wait to get back.
So much of the internet is filled with evil and confusion. I thank God that there is a holy, peaceful place to come to. That's another thing, the peace. I've always found it so awesome that I could get on a web site and actually feel such peace and comfort. The Spirit dwells here. God Bless you all!
And Thank You :)
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Unexpected Gift

Postby thebakerman » Sat Dec 05, 2009 9:23 pm

I'd just like to thank the heavenly Father for guiding me here to this site. Everyone on here is real nice, and I have yet to leave without having been enriched spiritually by kind and loving words. I really feel blessed for being given the opportunity to share my faith with all you wonderful people. Thank You Lord Jesus *ILuvJesus*
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Postby Lionhearted » Wed Dec 30, 2009 1:24 pm


I was just lookin for some one to chat to ... it was the first time in my life I had a computer.

To be truthful, "a christian chat" was the second thing i googled .... the first was ...... "recipes" rofl

(i think God had other plans tho ... He usually does)

be blesst you all
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Postby mnjue » Fri Jan 08, 2010 9:03 am

Don't even remember how I stumbled here but it's surely home. I love it here so much. The love is ...unmeasurable too. Best stumble I ever had. *TreeDance*
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How I found you..

Postby jamisfaithnjoy » Thu Jun 03, 2010 11:38 pm

I had moved to my brother's area and quickly realized I probably wouldn't be making many,if any,friends there.It's a very "cold" town.But anyhoo,between working all the time and being VERY lonely,i decided to give the internet another try.I had been online for way too many years and when I typed in "Christian chatrooms" that day,I figured it would turn out like every other time I would come back online.It'd be a good time passer and in the process I'd get some much needed counseling with a Christ-like blueprint that I figure I had nothing to lose by doing so.Considering the hurt I was going through at the time due to a personal situation,work was starting to get really tough and I felt there had to be SOMEWHERE I could go for relief,happiness maybe? and maybe,just maybe...make actual real friends that I could probably meet someday,find a local church,get married,adopt a child someday...Man,I am a diehard dreamer BUT because of the Lord leading me to this completely blessed website,I may not attain all of my "dreams" but I'll tell you what...I sure am enjoying every single day waking up with a new breath with the OPPORTUNITY to do so in God's will.Ya know,i really thought my life had changed years ago when I attended A.A. and decided there had to be more to life than killing myself and burying family members and friends over alcohol and drugs BUT I wasn't allowed to speak about the Lord Jesus Christ openly.Well,that was all I needed to be told.I was gone like the wind..It would be a couple years after all that,that the Lord,as He always does:) KNEW what I needed..Nothing short of a good spiritual butt-whippin from time to time AND people in my life like some I have either just typed with on here or met at a phone level.Regardless of what the communication is,it has been a truly wonderful experience.As i've mentioned a few times on different links now,thank you very much Brandon and Phantom for coming up with a website that is so heavily needed for the days were in.May you guys and all who venture here be wholeheartedly blessed in the Lord and..Never give up..I heard Heaven's a beautiful place *harp* All my love, Jami
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