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This forum is for those who seek to share their various Testimonies, Memorials and life experiences so that others can see the awesome impact that Jesus Christ has made in their life. Share the seeds of TRUTH that you have obtained from past experiences with others as to prevent your fellow Christian brothers and sisters from falling into the same traps that you did. Otherwise ... The experience was for nought.

My Dad's Testimony titled "My Last Run"

Postby dubya » Wed May 16, 2007 7:21 am

I Shall Never Forget.......My Last Run

The very first time I heard Jesus calling my name was when I had left a bar one evening and I heard him say "John". So I stopped along the side of the road and searched through my car...I saw no one .... Then I went as hard as I could to the next bar.

The next time I heard him it was on the same road, same place, I heard "John, John! How long do you think that you can go on like this? I knew you when you were in the womb !" Well I went as fast as I could back to the same bar as before.

The next time "He" visited me was in a dream or a vision. It seemed like I had been shot and I had set in the General Hospital and bleed to death. It appeared that I was put in a grave, after three days an angel came to me and took me by the hand and showed me a walk way made of pure Gold. Just wide enough for one person to walk on.

He stopped after we traveled about 1/4 of a mile, he showed me all the neon lights and said see all the lights and the crocked roads that is where you are traveling.

Then we went on upward until we got to the foundation of Heaven. I saw three door ways on the north, three on the south, three on the east and three on the west. I saw the Father with the Son on his Right. There was a four foot gate at the foundation and it would not open.

I told him that I would climb over it. The Son said "I am the way the truth and the light, no one come unto the Father except by Me. If he comes any other way he comes as a thief and a robber." I awoke that night on my knees praying.

I went to bed that night at 10:00 pm and was woke up at 11:00pm, same night. I felt as though I had never drunk before in my life. That was the last night I had anything to drink.

That day was December 27, 1967.

The Holy Spirit brought this dream back to my remembrance, so I had it typed up.

I thank God for what he done for my dad, he has always been such a awesome inspiration for me to live by......Thanks Dad
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for PWarrior's Dad

Postby Mackenaw » Wed May 16, 2007 11:52 am

Hello Brother! I read the testimony, typed by PWarrior, and I cried. Yes, I cry easily -- yet, this time I was even surprised. What a blessed thing, your testimony is not only awesome and beautiful, it has life in Jesus and is handed down to your son -- our friend, PWarrior. I tell you, I wish I was able to hear my dad give his testimony, but he is no longer with us here in this earth realm. I didn't take the opportunity to hear his testimony when he was still alive. But I know he is cheering me on from above along with the other saints. Wow John! Thank you for sharing. God Bless you.

Sister Mack
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Postby --- » Sun May 20, 2007 11:18 am

hey pwarrior,
that was an awesome testimony. I was really blessed by that story. I'm glad you shared it with us cuz that was a real inspiration to me and thatz what we need to do for eachother, inspire eachother and share the goodness of Gods' grace with each other.
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