Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum is for those who seek to share their various Testimonies, Memorials and life experiences so that others can see the awesome impact that Jesus Christ has made in their life. Share the seeds of TRUTH that you have obtained from past experiences with others as to prevent your fellow Christian brothers and sisters from falling into the same traps that you did. Otherwise ... The experience was for nought.

My first fasting experience

Postby bigcityfox99 » Sat Jan 10, 2009 6:22 pm

Today was my final day to fast. Wow! This has been an awesome experience. I started the day off just playing my guitar and singing. After that I went for another walk in the woods. This time it was daylight so I could see where I was going. I walked for a pretty long time. When I got home I took a bath and then watched a video on the Gospel of Luke. What an amazing video. By the time the movie was over it was time for me to get ready for the friday night worship service. On the way to the service I cashed my paycheck so that I could tithe. The first blessing that happened to me reguarding tithe was that I had another check stuck behind the one I had given the lady at the bank. So I got more than I thought I was getting. So then I didnt know how much to give, so I prayed. I asked God to show me a number or give me a feeling or something so that I could know exactly how much to give. Here comes my second blessing. I first thought of $60.00. Then I had doubt in my heart and I asked God to tell me if thats how much I was supposed to give and just then I passed a sign. Two of them actually. They both read the same things. One sign was on the left side of the road, and the other on the right. Both signs said 30m.p.h. And as you know, 30+30=60. Wow! I was convinced, but satan yet again put doubt in my heart. Then again I saw the same two signs. And again I saw the same ones a third time. And after the third set I saw a sign that said West 60. Then I knew. I cant believe it took so much to convince me, but man that was a major blessing. The service was really good. Many awesome things happened. It ended way too soon. I always love going to the worship services. On my way home I was praying, I prayed about several different things, very important things and then I just felt God's presence. I knew something was going on. I asked him to fill me with his spirit and then I started to speak in tongues! I was very doubtful that it was real, but I tried very hard to push the enemy out of my head. I put all my trust in the Lord, and I continued to speak a language I did not understand. I cannot describe the feeling that I felt. It was almost like I was someone else listening to myself speak. It was crazy, althought it did not sound like the same tongues I have heard others speak. Im not sure why. I kept trying to convince myself that it wasnt real, but I know it was very real. Im not sure how I did, or if I could do it again, but that was such an amazing experience. I could definatly tell that the holy spirit was with me. I thanked God for what had just happened. When I got home I was so tired, so I just wrote a little in this journal and then went to bed. I have grown so much from this fasting experience. Its amazing what the Lord can do. I have gotton so close to him and I have learned to be obediant to him. What an honor it is to be a child of God. Thank you Lord.
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