Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum is for those who seek to share their various Testimonies, Memorials and life experiences so that others can see the awesome impact that Jesus Christ has made in their life. Share the seeds of TRUTH that you have obtained from past experiences with others as to prevent your fellow Christian brothers and sisters from falling into the same traps that you did. Otherwise ... The experience was for nought.

Healed of HIV AIDS complete testimony

Postby evangelist1 » Sun May 11, 2014 5:50 pm

I recieved my healing of HIV AIDS from The Lord from learning spirit soul, and body and who I am in Christ!
It is a long story so I put who I am and explain the whole story from begiinig to end on my tv broadcast in which I do here in Germany every week on tv and put this on youtube for the world to witnesss the power and will of God on our lives, and His atonement imputed towards us as His childrens of God.
I hope you share this with others who are sick and have oains , in hospitals or have cancer, and other issue they are healed!
I learned to get rid of my doubts , and unbelief to recieved my healing. Mark 11:22-24

Listen to all these parts of my testimony please from youtube and share it with other:
Part 1


part 3

part 4

part 5

part 6

Enjoy your blessings
Shalom :)
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Location: germany
Marital Status: Married

Re: Healed of HIV AIDS complete testimony

Postby Kirsten » Sat Jul 05, 2014 1:16 pm

Great testimony. Translator did a very good job.
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Location: The Netherlands
Marital Status: Married

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