Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum is for those who seek to share their various Testimonies, Memorials and life experiences so that others can see the awesome impact that Jesus Christ has made in their life. Share the seeds of TRUTH that you have obtained from past experiences with others as to prevent your fellow Christian brothers and sisters from falling into the same traps that you did. Otherwise ... The experience was for nought.

God Saves

Postby Jenn Lupka » Tue Jul 16, 2013 3:54 pm

Everyone has their own story but I hope mine will be encouraging. We have all heard it said that our God saves. I completely agree. Actually I know exactly what that means better than most. For me God literally saved me from certain death. I will try to keep it short though. A simple testimony from a heart that has fallen for an amazing God. It all started when I was three. My grandfather started sexually abusing me. Then he started selling me to his friends so they could do the same. It continued until I was 11. After that it was foster care. Group homes, foster parents,one place after another never knowing where how was or what it meant. I got really depressed and was struggling with a lot. Anxiety, eating disorders, self injury and addiction just to cope. I was on deaths door when God found me my senior year of highschool. This is a poem I wrote about that day.

Knight in Shining Armor
He caught my attention
With sweet, sweet promises
Promises of unconditional love
Endless joy
Peace in all I do
He held my gaze
And I watched patiently
As he went to work
Healing a broken body
Mending a shattered heart
Keeping ever promise and more
Before I knew what was happening
He had turned my world upside down
I had fallen for him
And he had fallen for me
He is faithful
He is good
He is all I had imagined hed be and more
My knight in shining armor
My God.

After that God started healing and turning that hurt into anger and that anger into passion. Now I am free of all addictions. I am a worship leader, and I am working my way into missions and childrens ministry. Two years ago if I had continues on the path I was on I would have died. My God rescued me just as I was hitting rock bottom. From the bottom to the top my God saves and restores. Please be encourages. You are never beyond reach and God will save you!
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Jenn Lupka
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Re: God Saves

Postby realtmg » Tue Jul 16, 2013 5:47 pm

Thank you for sharing this.
May God bless you.

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Re: God Saves

Postby Truesovereigncrown » Wed Jul 17, 2013 12:54 am

Thankyou for sharing that Jen, we are so glad that you are here.
God bless you Sis. *Guitar* *JesusSign*
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Re: God Saves

Postby hannah-crys » Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:11 pm

Thank God that he can reach down to us....and heal our hurts and pick us up..and help us to see and know that he loves matter what. The evil on this earth shall not prevail over Jesus. He said so.
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