Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 12:53 am
I have a son who was diagnosed with Tourrette Syndrome, ADHD and Oppositional Defiance Disorder. I also have a son with a learning disability and a daughter who may just have learned behavior but is exibiting some of the same issues as her eldest brother. I am going to homeschool my eldest son this year because he is not ready to enter the highschool here. How do you manage everything as a single parent? Their dad is involved but I take care of most things because the kids are with me. How do you manage and get the help that you need? I feel overwhelmed at times with everything I have to do. I also feel that our family needs a lot of help and counseling but the place I found that would be great to go to cuz it has all we need is extremely expensive. Please pray for our family that God will provide the help that we need. Healing would be wonderful but if that is not God's plan for now then He needs to send help. Thanks for your prayers... GOd bless.