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Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 1:04 pm
Hey again friends, I come to you to tell you that depression and disabilities are real only if you give in to thinking they exist. Although I was diagnosed with schizophrenia I am off all meds and healed. I don't suggest everyone go off there meds and I would never tell anyone that because sometimes God can use drugs to help. But everybody whether or not the Doctors tell them have a so-called mental disability. My disability is not an inability it is my ability to reach others that doctors say there is no hope for! One of my friends from high school was told to get an abortion cause she is schizo-effective and Bi-Polar in fact her OBGYN told her she was just going to kill herself and the baby. I encouraged this girl I told her next time you see this person ask him or her if he/she has a PHD in psychiatry just to put into perspective that everyone is in charge of themselves and God is there he wants you in spite of this to worship him completely. I would like this to be a more of a prayer journal type deal where everyone can come and be open and honest about there feelings and never let Doctors tell you what you can and can't do. If it is against the Bible don't claim it but if they are trying to help you I encourage you to listen to there words.