Different yes..in conflict no.
Of course it would not suggest conflicting statement just because one sees something in a different light than the other , or even see things that another had either missed out on , or , the statement did not make a strong enough impact on them as to deem it important for them to pay attention to nor to mention . But , regardless , it does not minimize the validity of what being expressed .
Example of which I have is between Matthew and Luke . Both of them had recorded something that is not mentioned in any other place in the New Testiment , let alone the synoptic four .
One being along the lines of "Should we pay taxes" and/or "Whose image do you see on the coin ? " .
The second , "Eye for an eye" statement - (though it is under Mosaic Law , but only mentioned once in the Gospel , and that is by Luke) -
As Upward called him Dr. . Luke was a physician and under constant "pressure" of loosing just about anything he touched on another's physic right ? .... According to the Law , if one was to undertake the task of healing a physical defect -Note : In those days such "defects" were considered God's "wrath" , or "will" - If , in the process the individual happened to lose that specific body part , or even his life , then the physician was subjected to undergo the same fate -- he was "playing God man !!! " --
Quite naturally , Luke having to deal with all that on a daily basis , he would not at all be too concerned about whose image was on a petty coin or not right ? .
Well , Matthew faced the same thing as Luke . According to his standing . Being a former tax-collector -- with the possibility of others still seeing him as such even after his conversion--- By the goading of the Pharisees , ("Does your Master pay taxes") , he would quite naturally be preoccupied by such issues and someone's losing his tooth would be far beyond his concern .
What strikes most intrigueing is our Lord's reply to both of them . He completely shunned both statesment from the human point (Pharisaic) and went straight to the point , the Spiritual lack and the misguiding of the peoples pertaining Law of the religious leaders of the time .
Our Lord went way over their heads with the "implication" of the questions "asked" , (both by the Pharisees first , using His desciples as their mouth-piece )
For the first (Luke) , His answer was , "Turn the other cheek"... Hmmm . Isn't He saying (to the Pharisees) "YOU are the ones who are offended ! "
To the other (Matt) , again , he asked to be presented with a coin -- KNOWING all too well it would be a ROMAN coin and NOT a Temple coin (He drove the money exchangers , Temple tax money , for in those days , the Temple had its own currency , for any other currency was not "acceptible" and it had to be exchanged ) . The Temple coin STAYED in the Temple ... yes in the Pharisees posession to do as they wished with it . Oh , and by the way , the Temple coin had NO one's image on it .
Thus was my initial question , what would one think of the person who says that any other person's view amounts to nothing , just because it has no relevance to daily , HUMAN undertakings .
When a man gets cured of a certain ailment through prayer and Graceful Intervention of Holy Spirit pertaining to his personal concern , why is it that all other interventions are nullified .... How "SPECIAL" do those kind of people think they are ?
In Christ , our Lord