A Clear message!!
Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 11:54 pm
As I was driving home from work this morning I was listening to my K-love christian radio station, they were sharing some testimonies that people had written in to them, this one women had written that her life was a mess and wasn't sure wich way to go with things, so she turned on the radio to the k-love radio station, the first song she heard was lead me by sanctus real, the 2nd song was called day after day by Christian Stanfield, and the third song was called Everlasting God by chris tomlin I believe? durring this time she shared that she was crying as these songs were ministering to her, so when she got to work that morning she decided she wanted to write down the names of the songs that ministered to her, then she looked at what it said "Lead me day after day amazing God..wow..we serve an awesome god folks and when he wants our attention he has ways of getting it that's for sure...Thank you jesus for all you do ..he loves to WOW us.