prayers for my In laws: please!!

I've been doing the 14 day healing so some of you may know my story. it all started on Sept. 16, 2012. i believe it was a sunday morning and my in-laws were heading to church 5am in the morning when all of a sudden my MIL had either chest pains or shortness of breath(conflicting stories). because they were already on the road my FIL decided to just head straight to the emergency room. he parked in front and ran in to get help, apparently he didn't see anyone until he was headed back out to the vehicle to check on my MIL. a nurse stopped him and asked what he needed so they both headed out to get my MIL in a wheel chair when they discovered she had already passed out. they rushed her in and couldnt figure out what had happened to her. eventually they came to the conclusion that her brain had lacked oxygen and thats why she passed out but they dont know why oxygen didnt get to her brain. they admitted her into the ICU and she was put on a ventilator and a induced coma because she started seizuring. on top of all of that she previously had been going to dialysis MWF for the past 6-7 years while waiting for a kidney transplant. week 1-no improvements, nor declines(doctors suggested taking her off the ventilator because she wasnt improving). week 2-started showing brain activity(different doctors came into the picture and were optimistic). week 3-surgery planned for tracheotomy and GI tube so that the ventilator could be removed from mouth and fly her out to another state for treatment and rehab. 2 days before the surgery she had a major seizure(at this point they were slowly weaning her off of meds to prep for surgery) doctors cancelled surgery and called meeting with family to discuss pulling the ventilator off again and again saying there's nothing more we can do. so my FIL agreed (after requesting another 8 days to leave her on which the doctors denied) was time and agreed to wait for all the adult children to come home to be there for the mom. the next day the head doctor came back and said she changed her mind and would honor the 8 days(which will end oct. 16 which will make it exactly 1 month from the time she was admitted into the ICU). at this point my FIL had talked it over with his pastor and said ok lets do the 8 days(because he already at that point made up his mind to let his wife go to heaven). everyday since then my MIL has made small improvements such as on tues. oct 9 she opened her eyes and moved her lips twice(the doctors say it was just seizures) on wed oct 10 her blood pressure came close to normal and her swelling came down and seizures were really small. on thurs oct 11(today) my SIL and her daughter witnessed her crying tears and one nurse seen it too and notated it. but everyday since monday my FIL has seem to given up on her, making comments to the children that they all need to make peace with their mother, telling my husband that his mom is waiting for him to come(live in another city), not believing that the eyes opening or crying was done on her own and not due to seizures, etc. Its so hard to believe that my FIL who is a minister, a true christian, faithful to God in every way imaginable, laboring for the church almost everyday of the week(my in-laws are in their mid 60's) from lawn mowing the church lawn, polishing, ushering, prison ministries, security,etc. has given up hope for his wife. it's almost like he has resentment because he is unable to attend church or labor because he is at the hospital with his wife. it's very discouraging, if someone like him who is so faithful has given up what does that say about the rest of us who are hoping and praying for a miracle that only God can do? I am asking everyone and anyone to please come into agreement and lift up my in-laws in prayer; pray that my FIL does not let the devil influence his thinking into giving up on his wife and pray that my MIL will be healed. Through God all things are possible!!!! THANK YOU!!!