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Just Moved--Need A Job
As some of you may know, I just moved from tennessee to california. I had to leave all of my possesions there including my car. I now have no job and no transportation. I am desperately seeking gainful employment. I live in a very small town and I will most likely have to commute to Reno, Nevada in order to get a job. I am trusting that God has a plan for me. I am asking my brothers and sisters to pray that he works quickly in helping me get a car and a job. The economy is so bad that i am even finding it hard to locate any jobs in my area that i am qualified for. Thank You for all your prayers and God Bless You All.
Your Brother in Christ,
Your Brother in Christ,
Alotfound - Posts: 3
- Location: Memphis
- Marital Status: Single
Re: Just Moved--Need A Job
I will pray Alotfound, just remember God will provide for His children.
1st Timothy 4:12 - Posts: 87
- Location: On the road to God
- Marital Status: Single
Re: Just Moved--Need A Job
Hi Alotfound,
you wrote: I am desperately seeking gainful employment. Always put Christ above all things, Jesus is our treasure.
All treasures and wealth on earth, is nothing compared to what God has in store for us.
Nothing is too hard or little for the Lord. You might have lost worldly possessions, but I pray that you will find and seek heavenly possessions, these are the ones that the world can not take away.
God is our provider and resource. The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
Knock, seek and Ask in the name of Jesus.
Ask that the Lord gives you a job according to His plans and purpose. Even if this means changing jobs other than what you are qualified for. Sounds like He is already changing your life, do not fear but trust Him.
Praying that your needs be met. May His will be done.
you wrote: I am desperately seeking gainful employment. Always put Christ above all things, Jesus is our treasure.
All treasures and wealth on earth, is nothing compared to what God has in store for us.
Nothing is too hard or little for the Lord. You might have lost worldly possessions, but I pray that you will find and seek heavenly possessions, these are the ones that the world can not take away.
God is our provider and resource. The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
Knock, seek and Ask in the name of Jesus.
Ask that the Lord gives you a job according to His plans and purpose. Even if this means changing jobs other than what you are qualified for. Sounds like He is already changing your life, do not fear but trust Him.
Praying that your needs be met. May His will be done.
To shine in one light.
ServeGod - Posts: 249
- Location: Australia
- Marital Status: Waiting on God
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