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Prayer please

Postby notjustanumber » Fri Jun 08, 2012 9:04 am

Hello prayer warriors....

Can you please pray that I will want to be healthy. I do need to loose 20 pounds but I am starting to see how unhealthy I eat and I really do not want to change what I eat just want to weigh less. But I am realizing the need to do this. I pretty much live off of sugar and Doritos. Seriously. For breakfast this morning I had shoestring fries, sweet tarts, Hershey kisses and butter mints. Please pray that my desire will change. Pray that I will start to like healthy food.

Also, will you please pray that I will be less selfish? I don't necessarily think that I am a selfish person but I want to really work on this in my life. I would like to be a completely unselfish person like Jesus.

Thank you!
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