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This forum is the place to have hundreds of fellow Christians pray with and for you and yours. Post your prayer requests for yourself, your family and friends, those you encounter or anything else you feel needs prayer.


Postby teddybear055 » Wed Apr 11, 2012 1:08 pm

Praise the Lord everyone, God is Good.
I am in need of prayer for my wife and myself, my wife is having an affair for over 4 years now and all I want is my wife and family back. we still live together, she tells everyone we are separated and we are not and never was. my oldest daughter have no respect for my wife nor myself. my whole family needs prayer.

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Re: Prayer

Postby Dora » Thu Apr 12, 2012 7:47 am

So sorry for your struggle. :( It must be very unsettling to say the least. I am praying for God to guide you and bring you closer to Him. It is not Gods will you stay under such things as He knows the stress this is doing to your body and mind. Years of pain is not good. You'll feel physically and mentally drained and have medical issues beginning to pop up. Sometimes we have to say enough and walk away or else we are allowing a person to sin. If you're financially helping your wife while she is choosing to live in sin you are helping her continue sinning. No God does not like divorce and I'm not saying divorce her but God does not like how she is treating you, His son. Just like when a family member is addicted to drugs we can not support them or we are helping them continue the path of addiction. As long as all her needs are being met she will continue. She needs to know if she chooses to sin she will suffer by loosing her family. When we sin we suffer. If she is being protected from suffering she will not stop. They will not respect you if you don't respect yourself enough to not allow them to treat you this way. Praying for Gods will in all these issues. :cry: My heart aches for you.
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Re: Prayer

Postby Timothy » Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:02 am

Hi teadybear055,

Welcome to Christianity Oasis *Wave*

My heart is saddened to read your report.
We will pray for you and your family. We will begin to work on a new report.
A report based on love, respect. Jesus came as a servant to us. We must do the same,
extending kindness when no kindness is shown to you. Extending forgiveness and showing grace
when none appears to be extended to you. It all starts with - you.

teadybear055, have you considered the "Till Death Do Us Part" study here on Oasis?
Here is the link: ... /Forum.htm

Dear Lord,
We pray for your healing touch to reach the hearts fo this family.
Teach them what they need to know. Give teadybear055 the courage
to humble himself and take the lead in this healing process, thus setting the
example for others to follow. We thank you, Father, for your Mercies and
Grace over this family. To You, Lord, all the praise and glory. Amen.

God bless you and your family *CrossHands*
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Re: Prayer

Postby ServeGod » Thu Apr 12, 2012 11:53 pm

Hi teddybear,
I can truely say I know what your going through, for my husband also had an affair/affairs for many year.
Unfortunately the devil is the destroyer of Love and getting into a marriage is one way of hurting so many people.
Praying that your wife will repent and return. Sometimes when the devil accomplishes his act he moves on, so hoping she will repent and that you can forgive her.
Continue praying for her.
The link posted above that our brother Timothy posted is one worth reading.
God bless.
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