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Dear Lord remove the have knots!!!
Dear God :
Please untie the knots that are in my mind ,
my heart my life.
Remove the have nots ,
the can nots and the do nots
that I have in my mind
Erase all the will nots ,
might nots
that may find a home in my heart .
Release me from the could nots
would nots
that obstruct my life .
And most of all
Dear God ;
I ask that you remove from my mind ,
my heart and my life
all the “ am nots”
that I have allowed to hold me back ,
especially the thought,
that I am not good enough
Author Known to God .
Please untie the knots that are in my mind ,
my heart my life.
Remove the have nots ,
the can nots and the do nots
that I have in my mind
Erase all the will nots ,
might nots
that may find a home in my heart .
Release me from the could nots
would nots
that obstruct my life .
And most of all
Dear God ;
I ask that you remove from my mind ,
my heart and my life
all the “ am nots”
that I have allowed to hold me back ,
especially the thought,
that I am not good enough
Author Known to God .
Re: Dear Lord remove the have knots!!!
Amen, ciny 

Timothy - Posts: 667
- Location: Michigan
- Marital Status: Married
Re: Dear Lord remove the have knots!!!
Amen! Thank you for sharing sis.

Dora - Posts: 3759
- Location: In Gods Hands
- Marital Status: Married
Re: Dear Lord remove the have knots!!!
Today I had therapy and Dear God was exactly all what you wrote is/was holding me back. Thankyou for sharing.
popples - Posts: 162
- Location: narrogin australia/perth incase you dont know
- Marital Status: Single
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