Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Fri Aug 15, 2008 1:53 pm

August 15


Acts 28:1-10

Through love serve
one another.
__Galatians 5:13

A painful illness had prevented Bible teacher Billy Walker from carrying on his active schedule for several months. He told a group of men that he especially missed being able to preach, but that God was teaching him throughout his recovery.

One day during his illness, as he meditated and prayed, Billy's attention was drawn to the passage about Paul's shipwreck on Malta recorded in Acts 28,. There is more to the story than Paul's miraculous immunity to a venomous snakebite (vv.3-6).

This great apostle to the Gentiles, preacher to thousands, worker of miracles, and writer of much of the New Testament, was stuck on an island as a prisoner. Did he lie back and bemoan his condition? Did he think he should be treated better than others because he was an apostle? No! The Scriptures tell us that he chose to contribute to the work and needs of his fellow men. It was cold and rainy, so Paul "gathered a bundle of sticks" for much-needed, warming fire (v.3).

Perhaps you've been set aside for a while due to difficult circumstances. Maybe you've reached the time in your life when vigorous activity is no longer possible. Don't despair. Remember Paul's example, and do what you can do__even if it's simply "gathering sticks." __Dave Egner

```````````````Start where you are in serving the Lord,`````````````
`````````````Claim His sure promise and trust in His Word;``````````
```````````````God simply asks you to do what you can.````````````
```````````He'll use your efforts to further His plan. __Anon.`````````

God never puts you in the wrong place to serve Him.

***************Today's Bible Reading __ Acts 28:1-10**************

1 Now when they had
escaped, they then found out
that the island was called
Malta. 2 And the natives
showed us unusual kindness;
for they kindled a fire and
made us all welcome....

3 But when Paul had gathered
a bundle of sticks and laid
them on the fire, a viper
came out because of the heat,
and fastened on his hand.

4 So when the natives saw the
creature hanging from his
hand, they said to one
another, "No doubt this man
is a murderer, whom, though
he has escaped the sea, yet
justice does not allow to
live." 5 But he shook off the
creature into the fire and
suffered no harm. 6 However,
they were expecting that he
would swell up or suddenly
fall down dead. But after
they had looked for a long
time and saw no harm come
to him, they changed their
minds and said that he was
a god.

7 In that region there was an
estate of the leading citizen
of the island, whose name
was Publius, who received us
and entertained us
courteously for three days.

8 And it happened that the
father of Publius lay sick of a
fever and dysentery. Paul
went in to him and prayed,
and he laid his hands on him
and helaed him. 9 So when
this ws done, the rest of
those on the island who had
diseases also came and were
healed. 10 They also honored
us in many ways; and when
we departed, they provided
such things as were


Routine tasks such as waiting on tables (Acts 6:1-2) or Paul's
gathering of sticks (28:3) don't seem like spiritual acts. But in the
early church, Spirit-filled men were chosen to wait on tables to
distribute food to the widows (6:3),. Every service we perform should
be in the strength God supplies (1 Peter 4:11). __Dennis Fisher
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