Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Thu Mar 06, 2008 2:40 pm

March 6


Genesis 1:1-13

In the beginning God
created the heavens
and the earth.
__Genesis 1:1

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. No light. No sky. No land. It's incomprehensible to our finite thinking--the barren nothingness that existed before Genesis 1:1.

Then suddenly, through the work of the Almighty, God supplanted nothingness with "the heavens and the earth." The divine hand reached through the void and produced a place, a world, a universe. Through the magnificent convergence of the workings of the Godhead--with the Son enacting the will of the Father as the Agent of creation, and the Holy Spirit as the hovering Presence--nothing became something. History began its long march toward today.

The first verse of Genesis provides us with sufficient concepts to contemplate for a lifetime. That introductory statement speaks of enough glory, enough majesty, enough awe to leave us speechless before God. Just as today we would have no life, no breath, no existence without His sustaining action, neither would we have the cosmos without His mighty act at the moment of creation.

In awe we wonder what went on before "the beginning." with breathless praise we marvel at the words "God created the heavens and the earth." We read--and we stand in adoration. "Nothing" has never been so fascinating! ___Dave Branon

````````````````I sing the mighty power of God```````````````````
`````````````````That made the mountains rise,``````````````````
``````````````That spread the flowing seas abroad`````````````````
````````````````And built the lofty skies. __Watts`````````````````

Nature is but a name for an effect
whose cause is God.

******************Today's Bible Reading __ Genesis 1:1-3**********

1 In the beginning God
created the heavens and the
earth. 2 The earth was
without form and void; and
darkness was on the face of
the deep. and the Spirit of
God was hovering over the
face of the waters.

3 Then God said, "Let there
be light"; and there was light.

4 And God saw the light, that
it was good; and God divided
the light from the darkness.

5 God called the light Day,
and the darkness He called
Night. So the evening and the
morning were the first day.

6 Then God said, "Let there
be a firmament in the midst
of the waters, and let it divide
the waters from the waters."

7 Thus God made the
firmament, and divided the
waters which were under the
firmament from the waters
which were above the
firmament; and it was so.

8 And God called the
firmament Heaven. So the
evening and the morning
were the second day.

9 Then God said, "Let the
waters under the heavens be
gathered together into one
place, and let the dry land
appear"; and it was so.

10 and God called the dry
land Earth, and the gathering
together of the waters He
called Seas. and God saw
that it was good.

11 Then God said, "Let the
earth bring forth grass, the
herb that yields seed, and the
fruit tree that yields fruit
according to its kind, whose
seed is in itself, on the earth";
and it was so. 12 And God
saw that it was good. 13 So
the evening and the morning
were the third day.


During creation, God declared all that He had made "good" until
Genesis 2. Then, seeing Adam without companionship, God said, "It
is not good that man should be alone" (v.18). It is a reminder that
God created us or relationship, not for isolation. __WEC
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