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PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 5:39 pm
by cimi
February 20


DEUT. 4:32-40

Keep His statutes and
His commandments
... that it may go well
with you and with your
children after you.
__Deuteronomy 4:40

God never threatens; the devil never warns," declared Oswald Chambers. We sometimes use the words threat and warning interchangeably, but Chambers saw a principle that suggests a distinction. Threats are used to get people to do what is in our best interest, Warnings are issued to get people to do what is in their best interest. In other words, threats seek to preserve power, wheras warnings serve to protect people from danger.

Satan wants us to think of God's loving warnings as mean-spirited threats, but he is wrong. According to Chambers, "A warning is a great arresting statement of God's, inspired by His love and patience," The evidence of this is found in the many commands that are coupled with phrases like "that it may go well with you" (Deut. 4:40; 12:28).

In loving relationships, people warn one another of the inevitable consequences of foolish behavior. In unhealthy relationships, people threaten one another with punishment if they fail to live up to unreasonable demands.

As we interact with others, it's good to consider the nature of our counsel and commands. Do we use ultimatums to preserve our own well-being? Or do we lovingly warn others to keep them from harm?
__ Julie Ackerman Link

````````````````````FOR FURTHER STUDY```````````````````````

``````How can we take comfort from the love of God if we````````````
``````don't feel loved? Read How Has God Love Us?

Warnings are an expression of love;
threats are an expression of control.

***********Today's Bible Reading __ Deuteronomy 4:32-40**********

32 For ask now concerning
the days that are past, which
were before you, since the
day that God created man on
the earth.... 33 Did any
people ever hear the voice of
God speaking out of the
midst of the fire, as you
have heard, and live? 34 Or
did God ever try to go and
take for Himself a nation
from the midst of another
nation... by a mighty hand
and an outstretched arm, and
by great terrors, according to
all that the LORD your God
did for you in Egypt before
your eyes? 35 To you it was
shown, that you might know
that the LORD Himself is
God; there is none other
besides Him. 36 Out of
heaven He let you hear His
voice, that He might instruct
you.... 37 And because He
loved your fathers, therefore
He chose their descendants
after them; and He brought
you out of Egypt with His
Presence, with His mighty
power, 38 driving out from
before you nations greater
and mightier than you, to
bring you in, to give you
their land as an inheritance,
as it is this day. 39 Therefore
know this day, and consider
it in your heart, that the
LORD Himself is God in
heaven above and on the
earth beneath; there is no
other. 40 You shall therefore
keep His statutes and His
commandments which I
command you today, that it
may go well with you and
with your children after you,
and that you may prolong
your days in the land which
the LORD your God is giving
you for all time.


God's selection and protection of His people Israel can inspire us in
our own walk of faith. "Whatever things were written before were
written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort
of the Scriptures might have hope" (Rom. 15:4). __HDF