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PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 7:06 pm
by cimi
February 9


Mark 1:16-20

They immediately left
their nets and followed
Him. __Mark 1:18

A royal dignitary was greeting residents at a nursing home, when he was surprised by the unresponsiveness of one woman who just sat there and stared at him. Finally, the dignitary asked, "do you know who I am?" __to which the woman responded: "No. But that nurse over there helps us with those kinds of things."

Many people are confused about who Jesus is. But through His Word, God helps us know and enjoy the real Jesus. you will find Him wonderfully compelling. Tough fishermen, tax collectors, and zealots gave up everything to follow Him (Mark 1:18). Women felt safe with Him. Crowds stood in awe of His power and authority.

Jesus is not content to be just our "fire insurance," saving us from eternal punishment in hell. Rather, He wants us to know Him for who He really is, and He desires to connect with us on a deeper, more personal level.

If you are weary of a religion that is about rules and regulations, then welcome to life beyond the rituals. Welcome to the wonderful privilege of getting to know Jesus and the joy of following Him.

Get to know Him--and you'll grow to love Him more and more each day. __Joe Stowell

````````````````Which of all our friends, to save us,````````````````
```````````````Could or would have shed their blood?``````````````
```````````````````But our Jesus died to have us`````````````````
````````````````Reconciled in Him to God. __Newton```````````````

To know Jesus is to love Jesus.

******************Today's Bible Reading __Mark 1:16-20**********

16 And as He walked by the
Sea of Galilee, He saw
Simon and Andrew his
brother casting a net into the
sea; for they were fishermen.

17 Then Jesus said to them,
"Follow Me, and I will
make you become fishers of
men." 18 They immediately
left their nets and followed
Him. 19 When He had gone a
little farther from there, He
saw James the son of
Zebedee, and John his
brother, who also were in
the boat mending their nets.

20 And immediately He
called them, and they left
their father Zebedee in the
boat with the hired servants,
and went after Him.


The Sea of Galilee (v.16) is one of the primary locations mentioned
in the Gospels. It was the basis for the fishing industry that
dominated the region and was surrounded by villages supported
by that industry. When Jesus began His public ministry, most of it
was in that area and was headquartered in the fishing village of
Capernaum. The Sea of Galilee is fed from the north by the Jordan
River, which also leaves the Galilee at its southern end. __WEC