Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Thu Jan 31, 2008 6:34 pm

January 31


Exodus 18:13-24

Moses heeded the voice
of his father-in-law and
did all that he had said.
__Exodus 18:24

In 1959, when Lee Kuan Yew assumed the position of Prime Minister of Singapore, his leadership began a long process of national transformation, Initially, disagreements between ethnic groups and a weak economic base made the future of this tiny nation uncertain. By 1990, when Lee stepped down from his position, Singapore had become a model country for ethnic harmony and a thriving economy. After serving as Senior minister, Lee became Minister Mentor in 2004. Since then he has been an invaluable resource to Singapore's cabinet and to other leaders around the world.

Insights from the older generation can greatly benefit the younger generation. Although Moses had been used by God to perform miracles and deliver Israel out of bondage in Egypt, he still listened to the advice of his father-in-law Jethro (Ex.18-24). Jethro had watched his son-in-law care for the concerns of the people and observed: "Both you and these people who are with you will surely wear yourselves out. For this thing is too much for you" (v.18). Moses followed Jethro's advice to select, train, and delegate others to share the workload (vv.22-24).

Whom has God placed in your life to advise you as a "minister mentor"?
__ Dennis Fisher

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FOLLOWING THROUGH~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~What are your weakest character traits? do you know~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~a fellow believer who is strong in these areas?~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~Could that person become your spiritual mentor?~~~~~~~~

Those who are mature in the faith
can help others to mature in their faith.

**************Today's Bible Reading __ Exodus 18:13-24************

13 And so it was....that
Moses sat to judge the
people; and the people stood
before Moses from morning
until evening. 14 So when
Moses' father-in-law saw all
that he did for the people, he
said, "What is this thing that
you are doing for the
people?" why do you alone
sit, and all the people stand
before you from morning
until evening?"

15 And Moses said to his
father-in-law, "Because the
people come to me to
inquire of God. 16 When they
have a difficulty, they come
to me, and I judge between
one and another; and I make
known the statutes of God
and His laws."

17 So Moses' father-in-law
said to him, "The thing that
you do is not good. 18 Both
you and these people who
are with you will surely
wear yourselves out. For this
thing is to much for you;
you are not able to perform
it by yourself. 19 Listen now
to my voice; I will give you
counsel, and God will be
with you: Stand before God
for the people, so that you
may bring the difficulties to
God. 20 And you shall teach
them the statutes and the
laws, and show them the
way in which they must
walk and the work they must
do. 21 Moreover you shall
select from all the people
able men, such as fear God,
men of truth, hating
covetousness; and place
such over them....22 and
let them judge the people at
all times. Then it will be that
every great matter they shall
bring to you, but every small
matter they themselves shall
judge. So it will be easier
for you, for they will bear
the burden with you. 23 If
you do this thing, and God
so commands you, then you
will be able to endure, and
all this people will also go to
their place in peace.

24 So Moses heeded the
voice of his father-in-law
and did al that he had said.
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