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Postby cimi » Tue Jan 22, 2008 1:32 pm

January 22


Psalm 127

Behold, children are a
heritage from the LORD,
the fruit of the womb
is a reward.
__ Psalm 127:3

On the day the US lost one of its most respected presidents, my wife and I celebrated the birth of our first grandchild. Gerald R. Ford died the day Eliana Ruth was born to our daughter Lisa and her husband, Todd. She came into the world in a hospital about a mile from where President Ford is now buried.

If Eliana lives to be the same age as President Ford when he died, she will live into the 22nd century! I wonder what mark this little girl will make on the world__and what kind of society she and her peers will experience.

Each child born into this world has potential for godliness and even greatness. The traits today's children need to guide a future society do not come by accident, but through diligent, godly parenting.

God's Word calls us to point children to Jesus (Mark 10:14-16). We are to instruct them in God's ways (Deut. 6:4-9), discipline them toward godliness (Prov. 19:18), and love them unconditionally (Luke 15:11-31). Imagine what Eliana's world can be like if the parents of her generation dedicate themselves to godly parenting.

Are you a parent? Teach your children godliness, faith, and uncommon love. Then, when they influence their world, they will reveal God to a new generation. __ Dave Branon

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FOR FURTHER STUDY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~How did Jesus teach His disciples? How are we to teach~~~~~
~~~~~~~~our children? Read How Can A Parent Find Peace Of~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~Mind? at www.discoveryseries.org/q0804~~~~~~~~~

To guide your children on the right way,
you must go that way yourself.

****************Today's Bible Reading __ Psalm 127***************

1 Unless the LORD builds
the house, they labor in vain
who build it; unless the
LORD guards the city, the
watchman stays awake in
vain. 2 It is vain for you to
rise up early, to sit up late,
to eat the bread of sorrow;
for so He gives His beloved

3 Behold, children are a
heritage from the LORD, the
fruit of the womb is a
reward. 4 Like arrows in the
hand of a warrior, so are the
children of one's youth.

5 Happy is the man who has
his quiver full of them; they
shall not be ashamed, but
shall speak with their
enemies in the gate.


Psalm 120-134 are also known as "Songs of Ascents" and were
sung by the Jews as they approached Jerusalem for one of the major
worship festivals. Psalm 127 is the middle psalm in this collection
of pilgrim psalms. It speaks of the futility of human effort without
God (vv.1-2). The concept of dependence on God is then applied to
the family (vv.3-5). Every child is a gift from God (v.3). Children are
His blessing to us, and one of His ways of providing parents with
strength and protection (v.4), joy and pride (v.5). __SKT
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