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Postby cimi » Tue Jan 08, 2008 3:40 pm

January 8

1 Samuel 30:1-6

David strengthened
himself in the LORD his
God. __ 1 Samuel

Everything looked bleak to David and his men when they arrived at Ziklag (1 Sam. 30:1-6). The Amalekites had attacked the city and taken their wives and children captive. The men were so discouraged that they wept until they had no more energy. And David, their leader, was "greatly distressed" because the people were contemplating stoning him (v.6).

In the end, David's army rescued their families and defeated the Amalekites. But the story takes a great turn even before that when "David strengthened himself in the LORD his God" (v.6). Other translations use the words encouraged or refreshed.

The text doesn't say exactly how David did this. But it makes me wonder, In what ways can we strengthen, encourage, or refresh ourselves in the Lord when we're feeling discouraged?

First, we can remember what God has done. We can list the ways He has cared for us in the past, and how He has provided for us or answered a prayer request.

Second, we can remember what God has promised. "Be strong and of good courage... for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go" (Josh. 1:9).

Like David, let's learn to strengthen ourselves in the Lord, and then let's leave the rest with Him. __ Anne Cetas

~~~~~~~~~~~"I will strengthen," so take courage,~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~Child of God, so weak and frail.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~God has said so, and it must be,~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~For His promise cannot fail! __ Anon.~~~~~~~~~~~~

Our greatest strength is often shown
in our ability to stand still and trust God.

**************Today's Bible Reading __ 1 Samuel 30:1-6************

1 Now it happened, when
David and his men came to
Ziklag, on the third day,
that the Amalekites had
invaded the South and
Ziklag, attacked Ziklag and
burned it with fire, 2 and
had taken captive the
women and those who were
there, from small to great;
they did not kill anyone, but
carried them away and went
their way.

3 So David and his men
came to the city, and there
it was, burned with fire; and
their wives, their sons, and
their daughters had been
taken captive. 4 Then David
and the people who were
with him lifted up their
voices and wept, until they
had no more power to
weep. 5 And David's two
wives, Ahinoam the
Jezreelitess, and Abigail the
widow of Nabal the
Carmelite, had been taken
captive. 6 Now David was
greatly distressed, for the
people spoke of stoning
him, because the soul of all
the people was grieved,
every man for his sons and
his daughteers. But David
strengthened himself in
the LORD his God.


According to Smith's Bible Dictionary, the Amalekites were
" a nomadic tribe, which occupied the peninsula of Sinai and the
wilderness." They first appear in the Old Testament in Genesis 14:7
and are often seen in warfare against Israel (Ex. 17:8-16; Num.
14:45; Deut. 25:17-18). Though mentioned in the Old Testament
following the events of 1 Samuel 30, they are never again seen
warring against Israel. __ WEC
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