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PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 5:40 pm
by cimi
January 7


Philippians 1:8-11

Folly is joy to him
who is destitute of
discernment, but a man
of understanding walks
__ Proverbs 15:21

Sometimes Christians follow an"Open door" policy. When a door of opportunity opens, they assume that it's God's will to go through it.

Bestselling author Terri Blackstock knows this is untrue. She never openly rebelled against God, but she found herself far away from Him after walking through open doors of opportunity. "I had allowed myself to believe that God was blessing my career...because He had opened all the doors," she wrote in Soul Restoration. although she got what she wanted--a successful career writing romance novels for Harlequin and Silhouette--she lost what she needed: a close relationship with God.

When she finally admitted that her career was keeping her from God, she turned her back on success and renewed her commitment to the Lord. Since then, her writing career has been revitalized, and she has become an award-winning author of Christian fiction.

Just because the Lord doesn't stop us from something doesn't mean He wants us to continue. To discern which opportunities to pursue, we need to "approve the things that are excellent" and to be "filled with the fruits of the glory and praise of God" (Phil.1:10-11).
__ Julie Ackerman Link

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FOR FURTHER STUDY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~For help with understanding God's will for your life, ~~~~~~~
~~~~~~read the online study How Can I Know what God wants~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~Me To Do? at

The best way to know God's will
is to say "I will" to God.

**************Today's Bible Reading __ Philippians 1:8-11***********

8 For God is my witness,
how greatly I long for you
all with the affection of
Jesus Christ.

9 And this I pray, that your
love may abound still more
and more in knowledge and
all discernment, 10 that you
may approve the things that
are excellent, that you may
be sincere and without
offense till the day of
Christ, 11 being filled with
the fruits of righteousness
which are by Jesus Christ,
to the glory and priase of


Notice the depth of love paul has for his fellow believers at Philippi.
It is seen in how he speaks to them and what he desires for them.
He speaks as one who loves them and longs for them deeply (v.8).
His desires are seen in his prayers--that they will experience a
growing yet wise love (v.9), a discerning yet genuine spirit (v.10),
and a fruitful and Christ-honoring life (v.11). These are great things
we too can pray for in the lives of those we love. __ WEC