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PostPosted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 4:19 pm
by cimi
December 20


1 Peter 3:8-17

It is better, if it is the
will of God, to suffer
for doing good than for
doing evil.
__1 Peter 3:17

Joseph (not his real name) was the model of a trusted military officer, rising in his nation's army to the rank of colonel in the special forces. With this came great opportunity, both for good and bad.

Deployed into a region racked with drug trafficking, Joseph was intent on bringing justice to that plagued area. He and his troops began dealing with the criminals to protect the people. Some of his superiors, who were corrupt and took bribes from the drug runners, ordered him to turn his head to let them move their drugs. He repeatedly refused until he was finally arrested and imprisoned for 8 years__ for doing good.

Sadly, we live in a world where at times doing good brings suffering. This was true for Joseph; his payment for serving his people was unjust imprisonment.

The apostle Peter, having also been jailed for doing good, understood that kind of heartache. He gave us this perspective: "It is better, if it is the will of God, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil" (1 Peter 3:17).

As Joseph shared the stories of what God taught him in prison, I learned that the justice of God is not hampered by the evil of men. Doing good is still pleasing in His sight__even when we're mistreated by the world for it. __ Bill Crowder

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~From the example of Jesus,~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Who went about doing good,~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~We are to honor our Savior~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~By helping wherever He would. __ Hess~~~~~~~~~

The joy of doing good may be the only reward
we receive--but it's worth it!

****************Today's Bible Reading __ 1 Peter 3:8-17************

8 Finally, all of you be
of one mind, having
compassion for one another;
love as brothers, be
tenderhearted, be courteous;

9 not returning evil for evil
or reviling for reviling, but
on the contrary blessing,
knowing that you were
called to this, that you may
inherit a blessing. 10 For "He
who would love life and see
good days, let him refrain
his tongue from evil, and his
lips from speaking deceit.

11 Let him turn away from
evil and do good; let him
seek peace and pursue it.

12 For the eyes of the LORD
are on the righteous, and
His ears are open to their
prayers; but the face of the
LORD is against those who
do evil."

13 And who is he who will
harm you if you become
followers of what is good?

14 But even if you should
suffer for righteousness'
sake, you are blessed. "And
do not be afraid of their
threats, nor be troubled."

15 But sanctify the Lord God
in your hearts, and always
be ready to give a defense
to everyone who asks you a
reason for the hope that is in
you, with meekness and
fear, 16 having a good
conscience, that when they
defame you as evildoers,
those who revile your good
conduct in Christ may be
ashamed. 17 For it is better,
if it is the will of God, to
suffer for doing good than
for doing evil.


"By doing good you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish
men" ( 1 Peter 2:15). The words put to silence originally meant "to
close the mouth with a muzzle" (cf. 1 Cor. 9:9). Peter's admonition
indicates how doing good has the effect of quieting ungodly gossip
intended to discredit our witness. __HDF